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Displaying 46 - 60 of 93 results
Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
Idaho & Oregon storage facilities cited for storage problems
EPA News Release: Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
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EPA levies $66k penalty against DDM Imports for illegal truck imports
3rd case against Airway Heights, WA company
EPA News Release: EPA levies $66k penalty against DDM Imports for illegal truck imports
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EPA settles federal stormwater violations with Boise builder/developer ZWJ Properties
EPA News Release: EPA settles federal stormwater violations with Boise builder/developer ZWJ Properties
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EPA: Franklin County, Idaho attains Clean Air Act standards for fine particle pollution
Milestone in Idaho’s air quality improvement efforts
EPA News Release: EPA: Franklin County, Idaho attains Clean Air Act standards for fine particle pollution
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Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
EPA: Funds will be used to assess, plan cleanups to rejuvenate formerly contaminated properties
EPA News Release: Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
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Celebrating 25 Years of Binational Cooperation on the Improvement of Air Quality in Paso del Norte Region Airshed
EPA News Release: Celebrating 25 Years of Binational Cooperation on the Improvement of Air Quality in Paso del Norte Region Airshed
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Celebramos 25 años de cooperación binacional para mejorar la calidad del aire en la región de la cuenca atmosférica Paso del Norte
EPA News Release: Celebramos 25 años de cooperación binacional para mejorar la calidad del aire en la región de la cuenca atmosférica Paso del Norte
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EPA Announces $4.5 Million in Grants Available for Tribes to Replace Diesel Equipment and Reduce Harmful Emissions
For the first time under this competition, matching funds are not required.
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $4.5 Million in Grants Available for Tribes to Replace Diesel Equipment and Reduce Harmful Emissions
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EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
EPA News Release: EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
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EPA cites Idaho Transportation Department facility in Rigby for federal asbestos violations
Unauthorized and untrained employees net ITD sizeable penalty
EPA News Release: EPA cites Idaho Transportation Department facility in Rigby for federal asbestos violations
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EPA Honors 2021 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2021 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
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EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of Up to $6 Million in Environmental Justice Grants
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EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
EPA News Release: EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
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EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
Companies will pay $36,300 penalty for renovation violations
EPA News Release: EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
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EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
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