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Displaying 31 - 45 of 123 results
EPA Reminds New Englanders to Use Free Air Quality Alerts for the Summer Smog Season
Air Quality Awareness Week is May 1–5, 2023
EPA News Release: EPA Reminds New Englanders to Use Free Air Quality Alerts for the Summer Smog Season
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EPA Announces $3M Each to Missouri and Nebraska to Fund Innovative Projects That Tackle Climate Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3M Each to Missouri and Nebraska to Fund Innovative Projects That Tackle Climate Pollution
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EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
Collaborative projects in Alaska and Washington will promote community-led science, knowledge-sharing to support environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
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EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
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EPA Announces $1.35M in Research Grant Funding to Iowa State University
Researchers will investigate the impacts of water infrastructure stressors on Alaska Native Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1.35M in Research Grant Funding to Iowa State University
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EPA provides research funds to Colorado Small Businesses to develop technologies for wastewater reuse and microplastic identification
Lafayette and Lakewood businesses among 25 awardees nationwide receiving awards to advance products that improve the environment
EPA News Release: EPA provides research funds to Colorado Small Businesses to develop technologies for wastewater reuse and microplastic identification
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $266K Grant to Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska for Air Monitoring Project
Largest investment for community air monitoring in EPA history funded by President Biden’s Climate and Economic Plans
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $266K Grant to Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska for Air Monitoring Project
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Bay Area Company Receives $400,000 from EPA for Zero Waste Artificial Intelligence Project
EPA News Release: Bay Area Company Receives $400,000 from EPA for Zero Waste Artificial Intelligence Project
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EPA Awards $740K Research Grant to University of Missouri to Identify and Measure Economic Benefits of Improved Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $740K Research Grant to University of Missouri to Identify and Measure Economic Benefits of Improved Water Quality
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EPA’s Most Productive Laboratory Gets 20-Year Facility Lease, Reduces Footprint While Maintaining Analytical Capability and Jobs
EPA Region 7’s Science and Technology Center in Kansas City, Kansas, employs over 50 personnel and provides over $4M in environmental analyses per year
EPA News Release: EPA’s Most Productive Laboratory Gets 20-Year Facility Lease, Reduces Footprint While Maintaining Analytical Capability and Jobs
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Longmont, Colorado’s CleanRobotics, Inc., receives $400,000 in EPA funding for artificial intelligence trash sorting system
Company among eight Small Businesses nationwide selected for continued development of innovative environmental technologies
EPA News Release: Longmont, Colorado’s CleanRobotics, Inc., receives $400,000 in EPA funding for artificial intelligence trash sorting system
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EPA Awards $3.2M Research Grant to Iowa State University
Grant will support national efforts to expand water reuse
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $3.2M Research Grant to Iowa State University
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EPA Region 7 and University of Missouri-Kansas City Partner to Promote Student Career Opportunities and Environmental Engagement on Campus
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and University of Missouri-Kansas City Partner to Promote Student Career Opportunities and Environmental Engagement on Campus
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EPA Awards $25K Research Grant to University of Missouri Students to Address PFAS in Drinking Water
P3 Project seeks to develop affordable, point-of-use drinking water filtration system
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25K Research Grant to University of Missouri Students to Address PFAS in Drinking Water
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EPA awards $25,000 to CU Boulder to develop drinking water risk assessment tool
CU Boulder one of 16 student teams nationwide to be awarded funding to develop innovative solutions to environmental challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards $25,000 to CU Boulder to develop drinking water risk assessment tool
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