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Displaying 61 - 75 of 123 results
Topeka, Kansas, Girl Receives 2021 President’s Student Environmental Award
In a virtual ceremony today, Administrator Michael S. Regan and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory recognized the awardees and runners-up
EPA News Release: Topeka, Kansas, Girl Receives 2021 President’s Student Environmental Award
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EPA Launches Mobile CyANWeb App to Expand Data Availability Beyond the CyAN Android™ App
Kansas scientists provide harmful algal blooms research and testing
EPA News Release: EPA Launches Mobile CyANWeb App to Expand Data Availability Beyond the CyAN Android™ App
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Washington University in St. Louis Receives Over $740,000 in EPA Funding for Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
EPA News Release: Washington University in St. Louis Receives Over $740,000 in EPA Funding for Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
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EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
University one of five institutions nationwide receiving funding towards research to assess health and environmental impacts of biotechnology products
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
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EPA Awards $3.8M to Create Research Centers for Early Childhood Developmental Health
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $3.8M to Create Research Centers for Early Childhood Developmental Health
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EPA Announces the Selection of Three Municipalities in Puerto Rico to Receive $900,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
The grant awards help underserved communities Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of Three Municipalities in Puerto Rico to Receive $900,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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EPA Announces $100,000 in Funding to Kailua Small Business to Develop Low-Greenhouse Gas Fuel
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $100,000 in Funding to Kailua Small Business to Develop Low-Greenhouse Gas Fuel
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EPA Announces $600,000 in Funding to Pacific Southwest Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $600,000 in Funding to Pacific Southwest Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
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U.S. EPA announces nearly $200,000 to Small Northern California Businesses for Developing Environmental Technologies
Awards part of $2.5 million provided by EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces nearly $200,000 to Small Northern California Businesses for Developing Environmental Technologies
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EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
Nationally EPA announced $2.5 million in funding to small businesses
EPA News Release: EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
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Three Southern California Small Businesses Selected for EPA Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
Awards part of $2.5 million provided by EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program nationwide
EPA News Release: Three Southern California Small Businesses Selected for EPA Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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EPA, Ouachita Parish and others release flood resilience study
Agency offers recommendations to improve sustainability
EPA News Release: EPA, Ouachita Parish and others release flood resilience study
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EPA and Partners Installing Three Trash Traps in St. Louis Streams
The Trash-Free St. Louis Project will show how solving marine debris starts inland
EPA News Release: EPA and Partners Installing Three Trash Traps in St. Louis Streams
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EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
EPA News Release: EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
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