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Displaying 1 - 15 of 110 results
EPA Completes Agreements to Settle Clean Water Act Violations From Biosolids Land Application in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Completes Agreements to Settle Clean Water Act Violations From Biosolids Land Application in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
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EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
Chalk, other illegal and mislabelled products pose serious risks to kids, elderly, pets
EPA News Release: EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
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EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
Projects to receive $11.5 million in funding, including $2 million for water-quality trading projects
EPA News Release: EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
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EPA Recognizes Sprint and 8 Other Electronics Industry Leaders for Achievements in Innovation and Recycling
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Sprint and 8 Other Electronics Industry Leaders for Achievements in Innovation and Recycling
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EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe receives $160,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
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EPA requests applications for $2 million in funding for Great Lakes trash-free water projects
For the first time, GLRI grants available to keep trash out of the Great Lakes
EPA News Release: EPA requests applications for $2 million in funding for Great Lakes trash-free water projects
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EPA Announces $1.5 Million in Funding to Reduce Emissions From Diesel Engines in Four Midwest States
EPA anticipates awarding approximately $44 million across the country in Diesel Emission Reduction Program grant funding
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1.5 Million in Funding to Reduce Emissions From Diesel Engines in Four Midwest States
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EPA announces grant to restore habitat in Indiana’s Grand Calumet River Area of Concern
Indiana Department of Natural Resources receives a $100,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant to restore habitat in Indiana’s Grand Calumet River Area of Concern
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Kansas Water Infrastructure Projects Recognized by EPA for Excellence and Innovation
EPA News Release: Kansas Water Infrastructure Projects Recognized by EPA for Excellence and Innovation
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EPA Recognizes the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water Infrastructure
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water Infrastructure
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EPA Recognizes Ashland, Wis., for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Ashland, Wis., for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure
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EPA Recognizes the Indianapolis Airport Authority for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water Infrastructure
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes the Indianapolis Airport Authority for Excellence and Innovation in Clean Water Infrastructure
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EPA Announces Settlements to Address Alleged Violations of Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements by Two Companies in Iowa and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Settlements to Address Alleged Violations of Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements by Two Companies in Iowa and Nebraska
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EPA Announces Availability of $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements
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EPA selects Flint-based Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village for $30,000 grant to reduce lead exposure through nutrition education
Award part of $1.5 million in competitive grants nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA selects Flint-based Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village for $30,000 grant to reduce lead exposure through nutrition education
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