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Displaying 1 - 15 of 29 results
EPA Announces $124M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Alaska
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $124M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Alaska
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EPA Announces Oregon Department of Energy to Receive $86M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Oregon
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Oregon Department of Energy to Receive $86M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Oregon
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EPA Announces Bonneville Environmental Foundation to Receive $56M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Idaho
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Bonneville Environmental Foundation to Receive $56M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Idaho
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EPA signs agreement for cleanup of the Bradford Island National Priorities List site
EPA News Release: EPA signs agreement for cleanup of the Bradford Island National Priorities List site
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EPA Announces Washington State Department of Commerce to Receive $156M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Washington
EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Washington State Department of Commerce to Receive $156M to Deliver Residential Solar, Lowering Energy Costs and Advancing Environmental Justice Across Washington
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EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
Applications and nominations citing exemplary P2 efforts from Tribal, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations will be accepted through May 24, 2024
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
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Pacific Northwest federal, state agencies to collaborate on prescribed fire, smoke management to confront wildfire crisis
EPA News Release: Pacific Northwest federal, state agencies to collaborate on prescribed fire, smoke management to confront wildfire crisis
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EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
The Feb. 22 outreach event will enable attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
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La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
El evento de difusión del 22 de febrero permitirá a los asistentes obtener más información sobre las iniciativas de justicia ambiental de la Región 7
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
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City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
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EPA develops 6PPD-q water testing method for widespread use
“Lightspeed” test development highlights significance of finding salmon-killing tire additive
EPA News Release: EPA develops 6PPD-q water testing method for widespread use
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EPA Region 7 Presents $1.7M Check to City of Lincoln, Nebraska, for Recycling Education and Outreach Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $1.7M Check to City of Lincoln, Nebraska, for Recycling Education and Outreach Grant
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EPA Fines Omaha Chemical Manufacturing Facility for Alleged Violations of Multiple Environmental Laws
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Omaha Chemical Manufacturing Facility for Alleged Violations of Multiple Environmental Laws
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La EPA multa a la instalación de fabricación química de Omaha por presuntas violaciones de varias leyes ambientales
EPA News Release: La EPA multa a la instalación de fabricación química de Omaha por presuntas violaciones de varias leyes ambientales
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EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
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