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Displaying 151 - 165 of 515 results
EPA Fines Lawrence, Kansas, Landfill for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Lawrence, Kansas, Landfill for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
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Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
EPA News Release: Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
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Coffeyville Resources Refining & Marketing Will Pay Over $23M to Address Clean Air Act Violations and Offset Environmental Harm Related to Its Kansas Refinery
EPA News Release: Coffeyville Resources Refining & Marketing Will Pay Over $23M to Address Clean Air Act Violations and Offset Environmental Harm Related to Its Kansas Refinery
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EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Grant programs part of largest state, tribal and community recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and the anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
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EPA Penalizes Home Renovators in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska for Lead-Based Paint Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Penalizes Home Renovators in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska for Lead-Based Paint Violations
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EPA Announces $45 Million WIFIA Loan to Provide Centralized Wastewater Infrastructure in Sarpy County, Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $45 Million WIFIA Loan to Provide Centralized Wastewater Infrastructure in Sarpy County, Nebraska
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EPA awards Oregon DEQ over $4.5M to improve Klamath County air quality
EPA News Release: EPA awards Oregon DEQ over $4.5M to improve Klamath County air quality
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EPA penalizes Boise company $74,000 for asbestos violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Boise company $74,000 for asbestos violations
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Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
Mill Creek is once again flowing naturally after the diversion system and final berms were removed
EPA News Release: Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
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EPA penalizes Town of Coulee Dam over $70,000 for Clean Water Act violations
Wastewater plant failed to meet basic requirements of pollutant discharge permit
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Town of Coulee Dam over $70,000 for Clean Water Act violations
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EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Selection announced as part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant program funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Reaches Settlement with BG Products Inc. for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with BG Products Inc. for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations in Kansas
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Kansas Ethanol Producer Agrees to Pay Penalty for Alleged Environmental Law Violations
EPA News Release: Kansas Ethanol Producer Agrees to Pay Penalty for Alleged Environmental Law Violations
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