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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a las reuniones comunitarias sobre el sitio Superfund Omaha Lead en el área céntrica de Omaha, Nebraska
Las reuniones de junio se centrarán en los hallazgos de la última revisión cada cinco años del sitio
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a las reuniones comunitarias sobre el sitio Superfund Omaha Lead en el área céntrica de Omaha, Nebraska
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Community Meetings About Omaha Lead Superfund Site in Downtown Omaha, Nebraska
June meetings will focus on the findings of the site’s latest Five-Year Review
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Community Meetings About Omaha Lead Superfund Site in Downtown Omaha, Nebraska
- Release Date:
EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
Four-day trip in June will celebrate nearly $6M in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to communities and coalitions
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
- Release Date:
Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
The restoration of Mill Creek – overseen by EPA, KDHE, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – has begun
EPA News Release: Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
- Release Date:
EPA Celebrates Career Training, Job Opportunities With 20 Superfund Job Training Initiative Graduates in Omaha, Nebraska
Federal, county, and city leaders join multilingual graduation ceremony
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Career Training, Job Opportunities With 20 Superfund Job Training Initiative Graduates in Omaha, Nebraska
- Release Date: