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Displaying 1 - 15 of 27 results
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will boost cleanup at the Formosa Mine Superfund site near Riddle, Oregon
Toxic heavy metals cleanup among first $1B in investments to clear Superfund backlog
EPA News Release: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will boost cleanup at the Formosa Mine Superfund site near Riddle, Oregon
- Release Date:
EPA announces $1.27 million to fund environmental justice efforts in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Over $14.1 million will be awarded for projects to address disproportionate environmental or public health harms and risks in underserved communities nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA announces $1.27 million to fund environmental justice efforts in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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Colorado, Montana and Utah projects among $14.1 million in environmental justice grants nationwide
EPA News Release: Colorado, Montana and Utah projects among $14.1 million in environmental justice grants nationwide
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EPA awards over $32 million for tribal environmental programs in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $32 million for tribal environmental programs in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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EPA awards $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research grant to Unearth Technologies Inc. of Seattle
EPA News Release: EPA awards $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research grant to Unearth Technologies Inc. of Seattle
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EPA awards over $4 million in grants for diesel emissions reduction projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $4 million in grants for diesel emissions reduction projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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EPA Region 8 states to receive water infrastructure funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Announcement calls for prioritizing underserved communities
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 states to receive water infrastructure funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA Announces over $92 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Oregon Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces over $92 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Oregon Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
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EPA Announces over $63 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Idaho Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces over $63 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Idaho Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
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EPA Announces over $65 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Alaska Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces over $65 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Alaska Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
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EPA Announces over $152 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Washington Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces over $152 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Washington Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
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EPA awards Portland Area Indian Health Board $445,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare centers
EPA News Release: EPA awards Portland Area Indian Health Board $445,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare centers
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EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
Projects aim to reduce sources of food waste and waste from single-use to-go containers
EPA News Release: EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
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Idaho, Oregon, Washington trucking companies earn EPA national award for pollution reduction, transport efficiency
Award Recipients Are Top Environmental Performers and Leaders for Freight Supply Chain Efficiency
EPA News Release: Idaho, Oregon, Washington trucking companies earn EPA national award for pollution reduction, transport efficiency
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La EPA llega a acuerdos con 41 renovadores de hogares de Idaho, Oregon y Washington por infracciones de pintura a base de plomo
Capacitaciones sobre seguridad de pintura con plomo para contratistas y capacitaciones de educación comunitaria se ofrecen este otoño.
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a acuerdos con 41 renovadores de hogares de Idaho, Oregon y Washington por infracciones de pintura a base de plomo
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