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Displaying 271 - 285 of 331 results
EPA announces over $6M to the Indian Health Service to improve access to drinking water in Tununak
EPA News Release: EPA announces over $6M to the Indian Health Service to improve access to drinking water in Tununak
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Up to $300,000 in environmental education grants are available for local projects in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington
EPA News Release: Up to $300,000 in environmental education grants are available for local projects in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington
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EPA offers rebates to fund school buses in the Pacific Northwest that reduce diesel emissions and protect children’s health
EPA News Release: EPA offers rebates to fund school buses in the Pacific Northwest that reduce diesel emissions and protect children’s health
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EPA awards $335,000 for pollution prevention and sustainability projects in Pacific Northwest communities
EPA News Release: EPA awards $335,000 for pollution prevention and sustainability projects in Pacific Northwest communities
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Idaho cities of Winchester, Craigmont pay Clean Water Act penalties for violations at wastewater treatment plants
Each city agreed to pay $15,000 penalty
EPA News Release: Idaho cities of Winchester, Craigmont pay Clean Water Act penalties for violations at wastewater treatment plants
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EPA awards 15 Northwest tribes nearly $2 million for water quality improvement and wetland program development
EPA News Release: EPA awards 15 Northwest tribes nearly $2 million for water quality improvement and wetland program development
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EPA Announces 2021 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 2021 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award Winners in the Pacific Northwest
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U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
2017 chemical release resulted in evacuation of nearby business community
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
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EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
Research will Look at Health, Environmental Impacts in Hawaii, Pacific Islands
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
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EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
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U.S. Navy enters agreement with U.S. EPA to upgrade Pearl Harbor-Hickam Wastewater Treatment Plant
Agreement will prevent plant’s elevated toxic pollutants from entering Pearl Harbor
EPA News Release: U.S. Navy enters agreement with U.S. EPA to upgrade Pearl Harbor-Hickam Wastewater Treatment Plant
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EPA fines East Oahu Plant over Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA fines East Oahu Plant over Clean Air Act violations
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EPA reaches settlement with HK Construction, levies penalties, for lead-based paint violations in Honolulu
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with HK Construction, levies penalties, for lead-based paint violations in Honolulu
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U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaii fuel storage facility for violating oil spill prevention requirements
Under settlement, owner and operator will pay a fine, make improvements at facility
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaii fuel storage facility for violating oil spill prevention requirements
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EPA Announces 13 Communities Across Nation’s Pacific Southwest to Receive $6.85 Million in Revitalization Funding
Brownfields assessment and cleanup grants help underserved communities Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 13 Communities Across Nation’s Pacific Southwest to Receive $6.85 Million in Revitalization Funding
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