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Displaying 1 - 15 of 17 results
GT Metals & Salvage pays Clean Water Act penalty
The company agreed to pay a $50,300 penalty for stormwater pollution violations
EPA News Release: GT Metals & Salvage pays Clean Water Act penalty
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EPA Proposes to Restore Protective Pollution Standards for Washington Waters
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes to Restore Protective Pollution Standards for Washington Waters
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EPA grants $32 million to Oregon for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $70 million for wastewater, $70 million for drinking water projects
EPA News Release: EPA grants $32 million to Oregon for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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EPA grants $20 million to Alaska for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $94 million for wastewater, $57 million for drinking water projects
EPA News Release: EPA grants $20 million to Alaska for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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EPA grants $52 million to Washington for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $253.5 million available for wastewater, $22 million for drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA grants $52 million to Washington for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough Receive $5.6 Million EPA Grant to Improve Air Quality in Fairbanks
EPA News Release: State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough Receive $5.6 Million EPA Grant to Improve Air Quality in Fairbanks
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EPA and Justice Department Propose Settlement to Resolve Federal Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Prevention Violations on the North Slope of Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department Propose Settlement to Resolve Federal Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Prevention Violations on the North Slope of Alaska
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EPA penalizes Hilcorp Alaska $180,580 for Clean Air Act violations
Company allowed methane, VOC leaks to go undetected and unrepaired
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Hilcorp Alaska $180,580 for Clean Air Act violations
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New EPA Toxics Release Inventory report shows decline in chemical releases in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA News Release: New EPA Toxics Release Inventory report shows decline in chemical releases in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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Idaho, Oregon, Washington trucking companies earn EPA national award for pollution reduction, transport efficiency
Award Recipients Are Top Environmental Performers and Leaders for Freight Supply Chain Efficiency
EPA News Release: Idaho, Oregon, Washington trucking companies earn EPA national award for pollution reduction, transport efficiency
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La EPA llega a acuerdos con 41 renovadores de hogares de Idaho, Oregon y Washington por infracciones de pintura a base de plomo
Capacitaciones sobre seguridad de pintura con plomo para contratistas y capacitaciones de educación comunitaria se ofrecen este otoño.
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a acuerdos con 41 renovadores de hogares de Idaho, Oregon y Washington por infracciones de pintura a base de plomo
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EPA announces Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires Challenge winners in Idaho, Oregon, Washington
EPA News Release: EPA announces Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires Challenge winners in Idaho, Oregon, Washington
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EPA announces over $6M to the Indian Health Service to improve access to drinking water in Tununak
EPA News Release: EPA announces over $6M to the Indian Health Service to improve access to drinking water in Tununak
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Up to $300,000 in environmental education grants are available for local projects in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington
EPA News Release: Up to $300,000 in environmental education grants are available for local projects in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington
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EPA offers rebates to fund school buses in the Pacific Northwest that reduce diesel emissions and protect children’s health
EPA News Release: EPA offers rebates to fund school buses in the Pacific Northwest that reduce diesel emissions and protect children’s health
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