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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA selects regional Grantmaker to reduce barriers to federal funds and award thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
Hosts grants workshop to highlight additional funding opportunities
EPA News Release: EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
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GT Metals & Salvage pays Clean Water Act penalty
The company agreed to pay a $50,300 penalty for stormwater pollution violations
EPA News Release: GT Metals & Salvage pays Clean Water Act penalty
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EPA Proposes to Restore Protective Pollution Standards for Washington Waters
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes to Restore Protective Pollution Standards for Washington Waters
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EPA grants $32 million to Oregon for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $70 million for wastewater, $70 million for drinking water projects
EPA News Release: EPA grants $32 million to Oregon for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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EPA grants $20 million to Alaska for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $94 million for wastewater, $57 million for drinking water projects
EPA News Release: EPA grants $20 million to Alaska for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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EPA grants $52 million to Washington for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
State estimates $253.5 million available for wastewater, $22 million for drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA grants $52 million to Washington for drinking water, wastewater infrastructure improvements
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State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough Receive $5.6 Million EPA Grant to Improve Air Quality in Fairbanks
EPA News Release: State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough Receive $5.6 Million EPA Grant to Improve Air Quality in Fairbanks
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EPA and Justice Department Propose Settlement to Resolve Federal Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Prevention Violations on the North Slope of Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department Propose Settlement to Resolve Federal Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Prevention Violations on the North Slope of Alaska
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EPA penalizes Hilcorp Alaska $180,580 for Clean Air Act violations
Company allowed methane, VOC leaks to go undetected and unrepaired
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Hilcorp Alaska $180,580 for Clean Air Act violations
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New EPA Toxics Release Inventory report shows decline in chemical releases in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA News Release: New EPA Toxics Release Inventory report shows decline in chemical releases in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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