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Displaying 121 - 135 of 231 results
Biden-Harris Administration announces $3,950,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Montana School Districts
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $3,950,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Montana School Districts
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
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EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
- Release Date:
EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
Grant funding will support state projects and leverage local partnerships
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
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EPA Selects UC Berkeley, State of California, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians for Grants Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Pollution Prevention Grants Focus on Promoting Safer Products, Helping Businesses in Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Selects UC Berkeley, State of California, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians for Grants Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA aims to reduce lead exposure with free Lead-Safe Renovation Training for Billings-area contractors on October 17-18
EPA News Release: EPA aims to reduce lead exposure with free Lead-Safe Renovation Training for Billings-area contractors on October 17-18
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EPA announces $26 million in historic federal funding to Montana for clean watersheds and drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA announces $26 million in historic federal funding to Montana for clean watersheds and drinking water
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Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
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EPA announces cleanup activities are complete at another portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site
Operable Unit 6 deletion from National Priorities List reflects continued cleanup progress at site
EPA News Release: EPA announces cleanup activities are complete at another portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site
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EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
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EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
EPA News Release: EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
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EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
Up to $6.9 million in Clean Water Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will be awarded to reduce toxics in fish and water, address climate impacts in communities throughout the Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
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EPA, USDA Partner to Bolster Wastewater Infrastructure for San Carlos Apache Tribe, 10 Other U.S. Communities
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Will Help Address Lack of Basic Wastewater Infrastructure in Rural America
EPA News Release: EPA, USDA Partner to Bolster Wastewater Infrastructure for San Carlos Apache Tribe, 10 Other U.S. Communities
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EPA Awards over $1 million to Advance Environmental Justice in California
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $1 million to Advance Environmental Justice in California
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EPA Regional Administrator Guzman Urges School Districts in Pacific Southwest Region to Apply for $500 Million In Clean School Bus Funding
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children’s Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Guzman Urges School Districts in Pacific Southwest Region to Apply for $500 Million In Clean School Bus Funding
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