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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
EPA Selects Nevada’s Desert Research Institute for Funding to Support Environmental Education
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Nevada’s Desert Research Institute for Funding to Support Environmental Education
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EPA Selects California Organizations Ignited and Sierra Streams Institute for Environmental Education Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects California Organizations Ignited and Sierra Streams Institute for Environmental Education Grants
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EPA and New England Aquarium spotlight the sunken treasure of Blue Carbon in climate resilience
Aquarium temporary installation highlights collaborative research and critical carbon-capturing coastal environments of seagrass meadows and salt marshes
EPA News Release: EPA and New England Aquarium spotlight the sunken treasure of Blue Carbon in climate resilience
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EPA Awards $25,000 to University of Nevada-Las Vegas for Water Disinfection Research
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25,000 to University of Nevada-Las Vegas for Water Disinfection Research
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EPA Collecting Data to Assess Lake Ontario
EPA News Release: EPA Collecting Data to Assess Lake Ontario
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Septic Nitrogen Sensor Successfully Completes Environmental Performance Testing
EPA News Release: Septic Nitrogen Sensor Successfully Completes Environmental Performance Testing
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EPA Announces $600,000 in Funding to Pacific Southwest Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $600,000 in Funding to Pacific Southwest Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
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EPA Tool to Help Local Officials Customize Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Tool to Help Local Officials Customize Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts
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EPA Awards $6 Million to Research Potential Environmental Impacts of PFAS Substances in Waste Streams
New York State Department of Health to Study New York State Landfills as Sources of PFAS Groundwater Contamination
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $6 Million to Research Potential Environmental Impacts of PFAS Substances in Waste Streams
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