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Displaying 76 - 90 of 161 results
University of Arizona, San Diego State Unveiled as Centers to Help Communities Access Historic Environmental Justice Investments
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $177 Million for 17 EPA Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Nationwide
EPA News Release: University of Arizona, San Diego State Unveiled as Centers to Help Communities Access Historic Environmental Justice Investments
- Release Date:
EPA Region 4 Announces 2023 Pollution Prevention Recognition Awards Program
EPA News Release: EPA Region 4 Announces 2023 Pollution Prevention Recognition Awards Program
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EPA Region 8 announces the 2023 Regional Pollution Prevention Award Program
Applications will be accepted through May 19
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces the 2023 Regional Pollution Prevention Award Program
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Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $62 million for drinking water infrastructure upgrades in North Dakota
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $62 million for drinking water infrastructure upgrades in North Dakota
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EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
Releases remained below Pre-Pandemic levels, including a decrease of 12.7% in production-related waste since 2012
EPA News Release: EPA releases 2021 Toxic Release Inventory data for Region 8 states
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $28 Million for Pacific Islands for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $28 Million for Pacific Islands for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $18,914,000 in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to address Emerging Contaminants like PFAS in drinking water in North Dakota
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $18,914,000 in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to address Emerging Contaminants like PFAS in drinking water in North Dakota
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La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
Colorado, Montana, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Utah y Wyoming entre los estados de mayor riesgo de cáncer de pulmón por gas radón
EPA News Release: La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
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EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming among highest-risk states for lung cancer from radon gas
EPA News Release: EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $9.9 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Guam Schools
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states and territories in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $9.9 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Guam Schools
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EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $2,370,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for North Dakota School Districts
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $2,370,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for North Dakota School Districts
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
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EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
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