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Displaying 1 - 15 of 110 results
La EPA llega a un acuerdo para avanzar en la limpieza de Lugar Superfondo en San Germán, Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a un acuerdo para avanzar en la limpieza de Lugar Superfondo en San Germán, Puerto Rico
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EPA Reaches Agreement to Advance the Cleanup of the San German Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Agreement to Advance the Cleanup of the San German Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
As part of the Investing in America agenda, Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects Fordham University to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across EPA Region 2 as Part of Investing in America Agenda
As an environmental justice Grantmaker, Fordham University will help reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Fordham University to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across EPA Region 2 as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Reaches Settlements Over Clean Air Act Violations at Ports in California and Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlements Over Clean Air Act Violations at Ports in California and Hawaii
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Actualización de la EPA sobre el estudio de muestreo secuencial, próximos pasos para abordar el plomo en el agua potable en St. Croix
EPA News Release: Actualización de la EPA sobre el estudio de muestreo secuencial, próximos pasos para abordar el plomo en el agua potable en St. Croix
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Investment to Recruit and Train California Workers for Community Revitalization Work
Latest funding for EPA’s Brownfield Job Training Grants is supported by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and will boost workforce training in underserved and overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Investment to Recruit and Train California Workers for Community Revitalization Work
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EPA Update on Sequential Sampling Study, Next Steps to Address Lead in Drinking Water in St. Croix
EPA News Release: EPA Update on Sequential Sampling Study, Next Steps to Address Lead in Drinking Water in St. Croix
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Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda is delivering historic resources to upgrade drinking water infrastructure and better protect public health
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
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EPA Makes $52 Million Investment to Support Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Across Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Makes $52 Million Investment to Support Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Across Puerto Rico
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La EPA realiza una inversión de $52 millones para mejoras en la infraestructura de aguas santiarias en Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: La EPA realiza una inversión de $52 millones para mejoras en la infraestructura de aguas santiarias en Puerto Rico
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EPA Settlement Requires Action be Taken to Prevent Leaks, Secures Nearly $300,000 Penalty to Settle Alleged Clean Air Act Violations at Peerless Oil and Chemicals Inc. in Puerto Rico
NEW YORK – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reached a settlement with Peerless Oil and Chemicals Inc for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act (CAA) at its Peñuelas, Puerto Rico facility. The settlement requires Peerless to inspect its
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EPA Workshop Will Ease the Way to Apply for USVI Water Infrastructure Construction Grants
EPA Workshop Will Ease the Way to Apply for USVI Water Infrastructure Construction Grants
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Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Violations result in Fines for Several Businesses in New Jersey and New York
EPA News Release: Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Violations result in Fines for Several Businesses in New Jersey and New York
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EPA Hazardous Materials Removal Work is Now 85% Complete on Maui
EPA personnel continue to focus on hazardous material removal and applying soil stabilizer to ash and debris to protect public health and the environment
EPA News Release: EPA Hazardous Materials Removal Work is Now 85% Complete on Maui
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