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Displaying 4471 - 4485 of 5433 results
EPA Announces $3 Million in Brownfields Grants for Communities Across New York
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million in Brownfields Grants for Communities Across New York
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Greater Kansas City Metro Coalitions Receive $1.4 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment Projects
EPA News Release: Greater Kansas City Metro Coalitions Receive $1.4 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment Projects
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City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
Funds to support environmental cleanup projects in Westside and along rail corridors
EPA News Release: City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
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EPA Selects Crawford County in Michigan to Receive $300,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Crawford County in Michigan to Receive $300,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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Waterloo, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Property Reuse Planning
EPA News Release: Waterloo, Iowa, Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Property Reuse Planning
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East Central Intergovernmental Association of Iowa Receives $600,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
EPA News Release: East Central Intergovernmental Association of Iowa Receives $600,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
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Missouri Department of Natural Resources Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
EPA News Release: Missouri Department of Natural Resources Receives $300,000 Grant for Brownfields Environmental Assessment and Cleanup Planning
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EPA Announces the Selection of 155 Grants for Communities to Receive Over $65 Million in Total Grant Funding for Brownfield Assessments and Cleanups Across the Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of 155 Grants for Communities to Receive Over $65 Million in Total Grant Funding for Brownfield Assessments and Cleanups Across the Nation
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EPA Selects Six Projects in Massachusetts to Receive $2.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA Brownfields Funding Helps Local Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Six Projects in Massachusetts to Receive $2.7 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
Five Oregon grants ($2.65 million) are part of nationwide $65.6 million Brownfields funding rollout
EPA News Release: EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
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EPA Selects Three Alabama Entities to Receive Share of $897,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Three Alabama Entities to Receive Share of $897,000 for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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EPA Announces $2 Million in Brownfield Grants for Communities Across New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2 Million in Brownfield Grants for Communities Across New Jersey
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Great Falls Development Authority (Mont.) receives $300K to assess and revitalize properties
Funds to identify cleanup needs and redevelopment opportunities in north central Great Falls and rural communities along the Missouri River and highway corridors
EPA News Release: Great Falls Development Authority (Mont.) receives $300K to assess and revitalize properties
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Phoenix and South Tucson to Receive $1.7 Million from EPA for Revitalization of Contaminated Lands
EPA News Release: Phoenix and South Tucson to Receive $1.7 Million from EPA for Revitalization of Contaminated Lands
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EPA Selects Nine Projects in California to Receive Nearly $4 Million for Revitalization of Contaminated Properties
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Nine Projects in California to Receive Nearly $4 Million for Revitalization of Contaminated Properties
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