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Displaying 4726 - 4740 of 5433 results
EPA and New Mexico to test for lead in school drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA and New Mexico to test for lead in school drinking water
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EPA Awards Virginia Dept. of Health $737,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Virginia Dept. of Health $737,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools
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EPA Awards $25,000 Grant to North Carolina State University in Raleigh for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25,000 Grant to North Carolina State University in Raleigh for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA Awards $24,867 Grant to University of North Carolina at Charlotte for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $24,867 Grant to University of North Carolina at Charlotte for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA awards Texas over $1.8 million to protect children from lead in drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA awards Texas over $1.8 million to protect children from lead in drinking water
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EPA awards Louisiana grant to reduce childhood exposures to lead in drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA awards Louisiana grant to reduce childhood exposures to lead in drinking water
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EPA Awards Grants to UC Berkeley and Riverside Student Teams for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Grants to UC Berkeley and Riverside Student Teams for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA, West Virginia Sign Pact to Expand Efforts Supporting Clean Water, Healthy Farms
EPA News Release: EPA, West Virginia Sign Pact to Expand Efforts Supporting Clean Water, Healthy Farms
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UT—Dallas receives People, Prosperity and Planet grant from EPA
EPA News Release: UT—Dallas receives People, Prosperity and Planet grant from EPA
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St. Mary's University receives People, Prosperity and Planet grant from EPA
EPA News Release: St. Mary's University receives People, Prosperity and Planet grant from EPA
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EPA awards grant to Fort Lewis College team to develop innovative water technology
Students in Durango, Colorado among 18 teams selected nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA awards grant to Fort Lewis College team to develop innovative water technology
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Missouri S&T Team Receives $25,000 EPA Grant for Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms Project
People, Prosperity and the Planet program provides $447,000 in funding for 18 undergraduate and graduate teams across the country
EPA News Release: Missouri S&T Team Receives $25,000 EPA Grant for Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms Project
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EPA and Tarleton State University partner to remove toxins from drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA and Tarleton State University partner to remove toxins from drinking water
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University of Texas—Rio Grande Valley receives grant for innovative project
EPA News Release: University of Texas—Rio Grande Valley receives grant for innovative project
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University of New Mexico develops sidewalks from sustainable materials
EPA News Release: University of New Mexico develops sidewalks from sustainable materials
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