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Displaying 31 - 45 of 98 results
Hecla Mining Company penalized $143,000 for hazardous waste management violations at Greens Creek Silver Mine in Southeast Alaska
EPA News Release: Hecla Mining Company penalized $143,000 for hazardous waste management violations at Greens Creek Silver Mine in Southeast Alaska
- Release Date:
EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
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EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
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EPA launches $20M program to address contaminated lands in Alaska
Funds available to tribes, consortia, corporations and NGOs to address legacy pollution on lands conveyed under ANCSA
EPA News Release: EPA launches $20M program to address contaminated lands in Alaska
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EPA proposes new requirements for Haines wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
EPA News Release: EPA proposes new requirements for Haines wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
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EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
Collaborative projects in Alaska and Washington will promote community-led science, knowledge-sharing to support environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
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EPA Region 10 Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 Announces Virtual Listening Session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $18M in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants like PFAS in Drinking Water in Alaska
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $18M in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants like PFAS in Drinking Water in Alaska
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1023 Diesel & Fleet of Wasilla, AK., fined $65,000 for Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: 1023 Diesel & Fleet of Wasilla, AK., fined $65,000 for Clean Air Act Violations
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EPA proposes partial approval, disapproval of Alaska’s air plan for Fairbanks North Star Borough
EPA News Release: EPA proposes partial approval, disapproval of Alaska’s air plan for Fairbanks North Star Borough
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EPA selects Alaska Forum and Zender Environmental Health and Research Group for $1 million in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects Alaska Forum and Zender Environmental Health and Research Group for $1 million in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
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$10.3 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
EPA News Release: $10.3 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
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EPA Takes Next Step in Consideration of Protections for Bristol Bay
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Next Step in Consideration of Protections for Bristol Bay
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North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
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Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Alaska to Receive $1.3 million in EPA Funding
EPA News Release: Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Alaska to Receive $1.3 million in EPA Funding
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