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Displaying 1 - 15 of 530 results
EPA Recognizes Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment District for Excellence
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment District for Excellence
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EPA completes reviews at 12 Massachusetts Superfund sites
EPA News Release: EPA completes reviews at 12 Massachusetts Superfund sites
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EPA proposes approval of Alaska’s plan to reduce harmful air pollution in Fairbanks North Star Borough
EPA News Release: EPA proposes approval of Alaska’s plan to reduce harmful air pollution in Fairbanks North Star Borough
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Public meeting scheduled to review remediation plans for Woods Pond area of GE-Pittsfield Housatonic River Site
EPA News Release: Public meeting scheduled to review remediation plans for Woods Pond area of GE-Pittsfield Housatonic River Site
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant to the Center for Nonprofit Advancement in Washington D.C. under Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant to the Center for Nonprofit Advancement in Washington D.C. under Investing in America Agenda
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The City of Worcester receives a $499,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant
EPA News Release: The City of Worcester receives a $499,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant
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Five Massachusetts applicants selected to receive over $55 million for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles as part of Investing in America agenda
Biden-Harris Administration tentatively selected 70 applicants to receive funding for over 2,400 zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Five Massachusetts applicants selected to receive over $55 million for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles as part of Investing in America agenda
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EPA extends evaluation deadline of proposals to reduce PCB concentrations and/or toxicity at the GE-Pittsfield/Housatonic River Site
EPA News Release: EPA extends evaluation deadline of proposals to reduce PCB concentrations and/or toxicity at the GE-Pittsfield/Housatonic River Site
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EPA selects three Alaska Native organizations for $3.8M to assess and clean up legacy contamination
EPA News Release: EPA selects three Alaska Native organizations for $3.8M to assess and clean up legacy contamination
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Renewed EPA wastewater permits require Haines, Sitka, Skagway, and Wrangell to significantly reduce bacteria from sewage discharges
EPA News Release: Renewed EPA wastewater permits require Haines, Sitka, Skagway, and Wrangell to significantly reduce bacteria from sewage discharges
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PSF, formerly Peter Pan Seafoods, pays $750K penalty for Clean Water Act violations in Valdez and King Cove, Alaska
EPA News Release: PSF, formerly Peter Pan Seafoods, pays $750K penalty for Clean Water Act violations in Valdez and King Cove, Alaska
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EPA New England accepting public comment on Draft Title V air permits for two offshore wind farm projects
EPA News Release: EPA New England accepting public comment on Draft Title V air permits for two offshore wind farm projects
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EPA New England issues a Draft OCS Air Permit for new offshore wind farm project
EPA News Release: EPA New England issues a Draft OCS Air Permit for new offshore wind farm project
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Biden-Harris Administration announces University of Massachusetts campuses to receive nearly $1.5 million in grants to help businesses prevent pollution as part of Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces University of Massachusetts campuses to receive nearly $1.5 million in grants to help businesses prevent pollution as part of Investing in America agenda
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EPA issues draft permit to reduce discharge of pollutants into the Mystic, Charles, and Neponset Rivers
EPA News Release: EPA issues draft permit to reduce discharge of pollutants into the Mystic, Charles, and Neponset Rivers
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