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Displaying 1 - 15 of 37 results
EPA finalizes action on Fairbanks air plan, partners with state on new one, provides $10 million for more woodstove change-outs & natural gas expansion in Fairbanks, North Star Borough
EPA News Release: EPA finalizes action on Fairbanks air plan, partners with state on new one, provides $10 million for more woodstove change-outs & natural gas expansion in Fairbanks, North Star Borough
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EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
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EPA announces $882,806 for environmental justice projects in Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $882,806 for environmental justice projects in Alaska
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $2 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Utah as part of Investing in America Agenda
Projects announced as part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative Agreement and Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $2 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Utah as part of Investing in America Agenda
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State of Alaska, Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $10M EPA grant to improve air quality
EPA News Release: State of Alaska, Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $10M EPA grant to improve air quality
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EPA settlement with XTO Energy resolves Safe Drinking Water Act injection well violations in Utah
Ensures compliance with requirements on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with XTO Energy resolves Safe Drinking Water Act injection well violations in Utah
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EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
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EPA awards $4 million for new Green Waste facilities in Logan City, Utah
New recycling and composting services funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA awards $4 million for new Green Waste facilities in Logan City, Utah
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EPA offers Utah $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
Infrastructure funding available at no cost to small, financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: EPA offers Utah $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
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EPA penalizes Alaska homebuilder $107,000 for violations of Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Alaska homebuilder $107,000 for violations of Clean Water Act
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $599,000 for Utah to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $599,000 for Utah to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
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EPA proposes new requirements for Skagway and Wrangell wastewater plants to disinfect sewage discharges
EPA News Release: EPA proposes new requirements for Skagway and Wrangell wastewater plants to disinfect sewage discharges
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EPA penalizes Fairbanks company $117,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Fairbanks company $117,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
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EPA grants $5.6 million to Alaska to inventory drinking water service lines for lead in nearly 270 tribal and small disadvantaged communities
EPA News Release: EPA grants $5.6 million to Alaska to inventory drinking water service lines for lead in nearly 270 tribal and small disadvantaged communities
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Hecla Mining Company penalized $143,000 for hazardous waste management violations at Greens Creek Silver Mine in Southeast Alaska
EPA News Release: Hecla Mining Company penalized $143,000 for hazardous waste management violations at Greens Creek Silver Mine in Southeast Alaska
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