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Displaying 76 - 90 of 289 results
EPA Announces Approval of Arkansas State Certification of Pesticide Applicator Plan
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is finalizing stronger standards for individuals who use Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) in the state of Arkansas.
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La EPA anuncia la aprobación del plan de certificación para aplicadores de pesticidas del estado de Arkansas
La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU. está finalizando la elaboración de normas más estrictas para las personas que usan pesticidas de uso restringido (RUP) en el estado de Arkansas.
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EPA công bố phê duyệt kế hoạch cấp giấy chứng nhận người phun thuốc trừ sâu của tiểu bang Arkansas
Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ đang hoàn thiện các tiêu chuẩn mạnh mẽ hơn đối với những cá nhân dùng Thuốc trừ sâu sử dụng hạn chế (RUP) ở tiểu bang Arkansas.
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Biden-Harris Administration Invests More Than $2.6 Million in Connecticut Recycling Infrastructure Projects Through Investing in America Agenda
EPA grants funded in part by largest recycling investment in 30 years under President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Invests More Than $2.6 Million in Connecticut Recycling Infrastructure Projects Through Investing in America Agenda
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EPA New England Awards Over $1.28M to New England Tribes for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Nine New England Tribes will benefit from more than $1.28 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards Over $1.28M to New England Tribes for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA New England Awards $6M to State of Connecticut and Three Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Connecticut will receive $3 million and Bridgeport, Hartford, and New Haven metropolitan areas will each receive up to $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $6M to State of Connecticut and Three Metropolitan Areas for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA Selects Four Educational Organizations in New England to Receive Funding to Support Environmental Projects
$346,000 in grants will help address environmental challenges and boost career development to advance environmental justice in underserved communities
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Four Educational Organizations in New England to Receive Funding to Support Environmental Projects
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EPA to award Connecticut $236,000 to support water quality monitoring at beaches
Funding is part of nationwide program to protect public health
EPA News Release: EPA to award Connecticut $236,000 to support water quality monitoring at beaches
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"Blue Carbon Reservoirs from Maine to Long Island NY" Report is now available
EPA News Release: "Blue Carbon Reservoirs from Maine to Long Island NY" Report is now available
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EPA Seeks Comments on Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund Site Proposed Cleanup Plan for Shore Road Area in Stratford
EPA will hold public meetings in Stratford, Conn. to announce the Proposed Plan and solicit comments from the public
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Comments on Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund Site Proposed Cleanup Plan for Shore Road Area in Stratford
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$10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
EPA seeks applicants to provide environmental justice technical assistance for organizations and communities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
EPA News Release: $10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
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Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
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EPA Advises Facility Operators to Prepare for Hazardous Weather Events
As the hurricane season kicks off, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reminds facility operators of preventing, minimizing, and reporting chemical releases during hazardous weather events.
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New England Continues to Experience Poor Air Quality due to Smoke from Canadian Wildfires on Tuesday July 18, 2023
EPA News Release: New England Continues to Experience Poor Air Quality due to Smoke from Canadian Wildfires on Tuesday July 18, 2023
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Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
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