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Displaying 1 - 15 of 26 results
EPA proposes air quality plan for oil and gas emissions on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation
Plan to reduce volatile organic compounds in area impacted by ozone
EPA News Release: EPA proposes air quality plan for oil and gas emissions on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation
- Release Date:
Salt Lake City-based Thatcher Group to resolve alleged violations of pesticide registration and labeling requirements
Agreement resolves non-compliance identified through inspections in Nevada, New York, and Utah
EPA News Release: Salt Lake City-based Thatcher Group to resolve alleged violations of pesticide registration and labeling requirements
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Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
Project to reduce energy use and improve air quality in Salt Lake area
EPA News Release: Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
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EPA Grant of More Than $388,000 Will Help Manage Hazardous Waste in Arkansas
EPA News Release: EPA Grant of More Than $388,000 Will Help Manage Hazardous Waste in Arkansas
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EPA reminds citizens to take additional steps if handling mercury; children are particularly sensitive
EPA News Release: EPA reminds citizens to take additional steps if handling mercury; children are particularly sensitive
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EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
Deletions in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming contribute to largest national tally since 2001
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
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Salt Lake City invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure project funding that will reduce nutrient pollution
EPA Invites 38 new projects to apply for loans that will provide water infrastructure upgrades for 24 million Americans and create up to 190,000 jobs
EPA News Release: Salt Lake City invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure project funding that will reduce nutrient pollution
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Fargo, N.D. invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure financing for project that will help manage stormwater flooding
EPA Invites 38 New Projects to apply for loans that will provide water infrastructure upgrades for 24 million Americans and create up to 190,000 jobs
EPA News Release: Fargo, N.D. invited to apply for EPA water infrastructure financing for project that will help manage stormwater flooding
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EPA approves Arkansas Clean-air plan for transport of sulfur dioxide
EPA News Release: EPA approves Arkansas Clean-air plan for transport of sulfur dioxide
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EPA provides regulatory certainty in Arkansas; clears state backlog of clean-air plans
EPA News Release: EPA provides regulatory certainty in Arkansas; clears state backlog of clean-air plans
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EPA and Arkansas protect future generations by reducing diesel emissions
EPA News Release: EPA and Arkansas protect future generations by reducing diesel emissions
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EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
Top performers in freight industry include firms based in Colorado, North Dakota and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
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EPA awards $9.7 million for air quality projects in Utah
Targeted Airshed Grants to Utah DEQ to reduce emissions from passenger vehicles and oil and gas equipment
EPA News Release: EPA awards $9.7 million for air quality projects in Utah
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EPA deletes Utah and Wyoming sites from Superfund list
Deletion of sites from National Priorities List reflect new emphasis on Superfund program progress
EPA News Release: EPA deletes Utah and Wyoming sites from Superfund list
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EPA, U.S. Army Repeal 2015 Rule Defining “Waters of the United States” Ending Regulatory Patchwork
EPA News Release: EPA, U.S. Army Repeal 2015 Rule Defining “Waters of the United States” Ending Regulatory Patchwork
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