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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
Deletions in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming contribute to largest national tally since 2001
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
- Release Date:
EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
Grant among $5.1 million to help transform communities across the nation
EPA News Release: EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
- Release Date:
Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
EPA enforcement activities throughout Denver resolve alleged violations of EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
- Release Date:
EPA awards Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $1,170,000 to improve water quality in the Lower Arkansas and Lower Gunnison River basins
EPA and the state partner with the agriculture industry to restore watersheds
EPA News Release: EPA awards Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $1,170,000 to improve water quality in the Lower Arkansas and Lower Gunnison River basins
- Release Date:
EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
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EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
Top performers in freight industry include firms based in Colorado, North Dakota and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
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La EPA desembolsa primera parte de la subvención de $40 millones al Plan de Manejo de Desperdicios Sólidos de Puerto Rico
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA:: La EPA desembolsa primera parte de la subvención de $40 millones al Plan de Manejo de Desperdicios Sólidos de Puerto Rico
- Release Date: