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Displaying 1 - 15 of 41 results
EPA Reaches $162,246 Settlement with The Pond Guy in Armada, Michigan, for Allegedly Selling Unregistered and Misbranded Pesticide Products
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches $162,246 Settlement with The Pond Guy in Armada, Michigan, for Allegedly Selling Unregistered and Misbranded Pesticide Products
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EPA settles with Public Service Company of Colorado for failure to meet coal ash regulations at Cherokee Generating Station
Settlement advances EPA’s National Enforcement Priority of protecting communities from coal ash contamination
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Public Service Company of Colorado for failure to meet coal ash regulations at Cherokee Generating Station
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EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
Meat company to pay over $119K penalty
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
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EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
VareCo to pay $125K, settling alleged violations at multi-unit rentals
EPA News Release: EPA cites Denver building owner for not following lead-safe renovation requirements
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EPA Reaches $584,000 Settlement with RBL Products in Detroit, Michigan, for Allegedly Selling Unregistered Pesticide Products
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches $584,000 Settlement with RBL Products in Detroit, Michigan, for Allegedly Selling Unregistered Pesticide Products
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Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
Agreement reflects federal and state partnership to reduce air pollution at Colorado facility
EPA News Release: Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
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Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
EPA News Release: Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
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Andersen’s Sales and Salvage in Greeley, Colorado, to pay $195,000 for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act
Agreement ensures proper management of refrigerant compounds
EPA News Release: Andersen’s Sales and Salvage in Greeley, Colorado, to pay $195,000 for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act
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EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
Updated 10-year report shows decreases in chemical releases nationally and regionally
EPA News Release: EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
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EPA Settlement Improves Safety at Cooper Heat Treating LLC Facility in Detroit
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Improves Safety at Cooper Heat Treating LLC Facility in Detroit
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La planta de solventes de desechos del norte de Denver se encuentra entre varias dentro del acuerdo nacional propuesto que resuelve presuntas violaciones de desechos peligrosos
El acuerdo de la EPA y el Departamento de Justicia con Heritage-Crystal Clean resuelve las reclamaciones de la Ley de Conservación y Recuperación de Recursos y garantiza el manejo seguro de los solventes
EPA News Release: La planta de solventes de desechos del norte de Denver se encuentra entre varias dentro del acuerdo nacional propuesto que resuelve presuntas violaciones de desechos peligrosos
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North Denver waste solvent facility among several in proposed national settlement resolving alleged hazardous waste violations
EPA, DOJ settlement with Heritage-Crystal Clean resolves Resource Conservation and Recovery Act claims, secures safe management of solvents
EPA News Release: North Denver waste solvent facility among several in proposed national settlement resolving alleged hazardous waste violations
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EPA Reaches Settlement with R.J. Torching for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations at Facility in Flint, Michigan
EPA to hold virtual public meeting January 18, 2024 to discuss the consent decree
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with R.J. Torching for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations at Facility in Flint, Michigan
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EPA reaches settlement with Suncor over Clean Air Act fuels violations at Commerce City, Colorado, refineries
To address harm caused, Suncor will procure electric lawn and garden equipment in impacted neighboring communities
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with Suncor over Clean Air Act fuels violations at Commerce City, Colorado, refineries
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La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
Para abordar el daño causado, Suncor adquirirá equipos eléctricos para césped y jardín en las comunidades vecinas afectadas.
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
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