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Displaying 1 - 15 of 30 results
Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
EPA awarding over $3 million to 30 small businesses nationwide
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah small businesses receiving up to $100,000 each to develop environmental technologies
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EPA Releases Bold National Strategy to Transform Recycling in America; CNMI stands at the forefront
EPA celebrates CNMI’s work to integrate recycling into Typhoon Yutu recovery
EPA News Release: EPA Releases Bold National Strategy to Transform Recycling in America; CNMI stands at the forefront
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Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
EPA grants will result in cleaner vehicles, reduced emissions in air quality non-attainment areas
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
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EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
Projects aim to reduce sources of food waste and waste from single-use to-go containers
EPA News Release: EPA awards $40,000 in funding to Denver, Colorado and Park City, Utah projects to reduce source pollution
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Colorado-based Bona US recognized as one of EPA’s 2021 Safer Choice Partners of the Year
EPA News Release: Colorado-based Bona US recognized as one of EPA’s 2021 Safer Choice Partners of the Year
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EPA deletes portion of Eagle Mine Superfund site from the National Priorities List
Deletion reflects continued cleanup progress at site
EPA News Release: EPA deletes portion of Eagle Mine Superfund site from the National Priorities List
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EPA announces Colorado and North Dakota appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
EPA News Release: EPA announces Colorado and North Dakota appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
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University of Colorado Boulder researchers awarded $1.1 million for projects to reduce exposure to wildland fire smoke at school and at home
University among nine grant recipients receiving $7 million to address health impacts associated with smoke
EPA News Release: University of Colorado Boulder researchers awarded $1.1 million for projects to reduce exposure to wildland fire smoke at school and at home
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Justice Department and EPA reach $1 million settlement with Noble Energy and Noble Midstream to resolve Clean Water Act violations at Colorado oil and gas facilities
Companies agree to penalty and to take actions to prevent future spills
EPA News Release: Justice Department and EPA reach $1 million settlement with Noble Energy and Noble Midstream to resolve Clean Water Act violations at Colorado oil and gas facilities
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EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
University one of five institutions nationwide receiving funding towards research to assess health and environmental impacts of biotechnology products
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces public “office hours” in Telluride, CO to discuss 2021 Telluride Valley Floor/Boomerang Road Time-Sensitive Removal Action
EPA News Release: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces public “office hours” in Telluride, CO to discuss 2021 Telluride Valley Floor/Boomerang Road Time-Sensitive Removal Action
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EPA announces $200,000 to City of Fort Collins, Colorado to support Healthy Homes program
Funding part of $50 million for Environmental Justice initiatives under the American Rescue Plan
EPA News Release: EPA announces $200,000 to City of Fort Collins, Colorado to support Healthy Homes program
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EPA to start phase two to remove lead and arsenic-contaminated tailings near Telluride, Colorado
EPA News Release: EPA to start phase two to remove lead and arsenic-contaminated tailings near Telluride, Colorado
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EPA names Denver and Boulder in lists of Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2020
Denver ranks 10th in top U.S. cities list while Boulder ranks eighth in top mid-sized cities list, cutting energy costs while increasing efficiency, reducing emissions
EPA News Release: EPA names Denver and Boulder in lists of Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2020
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Biden Administration to Support Local Food Initiative, Environmental Protection, and Community Revitalization in Fort Collins, Colorado
EPA News Release: Biden Administration to Support Local Food Initiative, Environmental Protection, and Community Revitalization in Fort Collins, Colorado
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