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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA announces Colorado and North Dakota appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
EPA News Release: EPA announces Colorado and North Dakota appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
- Release Date:
University of Colorado Boulder researchers awarded $1.1 million for projects to reduce exposure to wildland fire smoke at school and at home
University among nine grant recipients receiving $7 million to address health impacts associated with smoke
EPA News Release: University of Colorado Boulder researchers awarded $1.1 million for projects to reduce exposure to wildland fire smoke at school and at home
- Release Date:
Justice Department and EPA reach $1 million settlement with Noble Energy and Noble Midstream to resolve Clean Water Act violations at Colorado oil and gas facilities
Companies agree to penalty and to take actions to prevent future spills
EPA News Release: Justice Department and EPA reach $1 million settlement with Noble Energy and Noble Midstream to resolve Clean Water Act violations at Colorado oil and gas facilities
- Release Date:
EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
Deletions in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming contribute to largest national tally since 2001
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
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EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
Grant among $5.1 million to help transform communities across the nation
EPA News Release: EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
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Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
EPA enforcement activities throughout Denver resolve alleged violations of EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
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EPA awards Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $1,170,000 to improve water quality in the Lower Arkansas and Lower Gunnison River basins
EPA and the state partner with the agriculture industry to restore watersheds
EPA News Release: EPA awards Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $1,170,000 to improve water quality in the Lower Arkansas and Lower Gunnison River basins
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EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
Top performers in freight industry include firms based in Colorado, North Dakota and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
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