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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results
Enhanced water quality tool for South Platte River publicly available
Online tool will help communities track water quality
EPA News Release: Enhanced water quality tool for South Platte River publicly available
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Colorado's Breckenridge Grand Vacations among winners of EPA’s 2023 Regional Pollution Prevention Recognition Awards
EPA News Release: Colorado's Breckenridge Grand Vacations among winners of EPA’s 2023 Regional Pollution Prevention Recognition Awards
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EPA awards $3,995,000 for new recycling and materials recovery facility in Chaffee County, Colorado
New waste operations serving residents and businesses funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA awards $3,995,000 for new recycling and materials recovery facility in Chaffee County, Colorado
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EPA reaches settlement with Suncor over Clean Air Act fuels violations at Commerce City, Colorado, refineries
To address harm caused, Suncor will procure electric lawn and garden equipment in impacted neighboring communities
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with Suncor over Clean Air Act fuels violations at Commerce City, Colorado, refineries
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La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
Para abordar el daño causado, Suncor adquirirá equipos eléctricos para césped y jardín en las comunidades vecinas afectadas.
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a un acuerdo con Suncor sobre infracciones de combustibles según la Ley de Aire Limpio en las refinerías de Commerce City, Colorado
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EPA, MSU Denver partnership strengthens career opportunities for students
EPA News Release: EPA, MSU Denver partnership strengthens career opportunities for students
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Cleanup complete at former charter school in Dinosaur, Colorado
EPA Brownfields funds help Town remove contamination, pave way for future use as a community center
EPA News Release: Cleanup complete at former charter school in Dinosaur, Colorado
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EPA awards $800,000 to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Cañon City, Colorado
EPA Brownfields grant to catalyze economic revitalization along Arkansas Riverfront and Downtown Main Street corridors
EPA News Release: EPA awards $800,000 to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Cañon City, Colorado
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City of Craig, Colorado to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
EPA Brownfields grant will fund environmental assessments at downtown properties
EPA News Release: City of Craig, Colorado to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
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EPA awards $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Hinsdale County, Colorado
EPA Brownfields grant to catalyze economic revitalization in Lake City and sites across County
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Hinsdale County, Colorado
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EPA awards $1.1 million to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Trinidad, Aguilar and Las Animas County
EPA Brownfields grants to focus on El Corazón de Trinidad, the Fox West Theater, Aguilar’s Main Street and other areas
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1.1 million to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Trinidad, Aguilar and Las Animas County
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EPA awards City of Loveland, Colorado $300,000 to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
EPA Brownfields grant to advance revitalization of Great Western Sugar Beet Plant and Big Thompson River Corridor sites
EPA News Release: EPA awards City of Loveland, Colorado $300,000 to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
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