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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
Meat company to pay over $119K penalty
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
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EPA recognizes two Colorado companies for distinguished efforts to prevent pollution
This year’s awardees from Colorado include Revvity and Breckenridge Grand Vacations.
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes two Colorado companies for distinguished efforts to prevent pollution
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EPA announces $96M loan to upgrade wastewater services in northern Colorado
EPA News Release: EPA announces $96M loan to upgrade wastewater services in northern Colorado
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Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, Tribe among 34 Tribal and territory applications selected to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
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EPA joins Mayor Hancock to award over $1 million for revitalization of contaminated riverfront property in Denver’s Sun Valley neighborhood
Denver Housing Authority to clean up and develop new housing at abandoned Tank Farm
EPA News Release: EPA joins Mayor Hancock to award over $1 million for revitalization of contaminated riverfront property in Denver’s Sun Valley neighborhood
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EPA awards $500,000 to Brighton, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize downtown properties
Funding will be used to address contamination at former warehouse, grain elevator, canning factory, petroleum sites and other abandoned properties
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500,000 to Brighton, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize downtown properties
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Informe de la EPA encuentra que la refinería Suncor tiene más incidentes de contaminación del aire en comparación con otras refinerías
El departamento de salud del estado de Colorado solicitó la revisión para ayudar a identificar las causas y reducir la contaminación del aire de Suncor
EPA News Release: Informe de la EPA encuentra que la refinería Suncor tiene más incidentes de contaminación del aire en comparación con otras refinerías
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EPA report finds Suncor refinery having more air pollution incidents compared to other refineries
Colorado state health department requested the review to help identify causes and reduce air pollution from Suncor
EPA News Release: EPA report finds Suncor refinery having more air pollution incidents compared to other refineries
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Anheuser-Busch, LLC required to improve safety at Fort Collins Brewery
Settlement is part of EPA’s National Initiative to Reduce Chemical Accidents and Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: Anheuser-Busch, LLC required to improve safety at Fort Collins Brewery
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