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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
Agreement reflects federal and state partnership to reduce air pollution at Colorado facility
EPA News Release: Multi-agency settlement resolves Clean Air Act violations at Meeker Gas Plant
- Release Date:
Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
EPA News Release: Federal, state inspections indicate Suncor refinery violated air quality regulations
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $6.34 million in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across Colorado as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $6.34 million in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across Colorado as Part of Investing in America Agenda
- Release Date:
EPA awards $1 million to the City of Monte Vista, Colorado, for cleanup and redevelopment projects
Brownfields grant funding to address property contamination, spur economic revitalization and redevelop historic buildings
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1 million to the City of Monte Vista, Colorado, for cleanup and redevelopment projects
- Release Date:
EPA awards $1.6 million for cleanup and redevelopment projects in Greeley and Kersey, Colorado
Brownfields grants to spur community and economic revitalization
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1.6 million for cleanup and redevelopment projects in Greeley and Kersey, Colorado
- Release Date:
EPA awards $1 million to the City of Pueblo, Colorado, for cleanup and redevelopment projects
Brownfields grant funding to address property contamination, spur economic revitalization, and redevelop historic buildings, including a National Historic Landmark site
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1 million to the City of Pueblo, Colorado, for cleanup and redevelopment projects
- Release Date:
EPA awards over $3.2 million for cleanup and redevelopment projects in Northglenn and Lakewood, Colorado
Brownfields grant funding aimed to address property contamination and spur affordable housing redevelopment projects
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $3.2 million for cleanup and redevelopment projects in Northglenn and Lakewood, Colorado
- Release Date:
EPA announces $32.8M for Colorado lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
Latest round of funding advances President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation
EPA News Release: EPA announces $32.8M for Colorado lead pipe replacement to ensure safe drinking water
- Release Date: