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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
Meat company to pay over $119K penalty
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Superior Farms resolves chemical risk violations at North Denver facility
- Release Date:
EPA recognizes two Colorado companies for distinguished efforts to prevent pollution
This year’s awardees from Colorado include Revvity and Breckenridge Grand Vacations.
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes two Colorado companies for distinguished efforts to prevent pollution
- Release Date:
EPA announces $96M loan to upgrade wastewater services in northern Colorado
EPA News Release: EPA announces $96M loan to upgrade wastewater services in northern Colorado
- Release Date:
Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, Tribe among 34 Tribal and territory applications selected to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: Southern Ute Indian Tribe selected to receive $4,908,604 to cut climate pollution from oil and gas production sources
- Release Date:
Andersen’s Sales and Salvage in Greeley, Colorado, to pay $195,000 for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act
Agreement ensures proper management of refrigerant compounds
EPA News Release: Andersen’s Sales and Salvage in Greeley, Colorado, to pay $195,000 for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act
- Release Date: