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Displaying 1 - 15 of 40 results
EPA Awards National Grant to Hawaii for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards National Grant to Hawaii for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects
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EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
Projects will help modernize water infrastructure, protect public health, and increase community resilience
EPA News Release: EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
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EPA awards Portland Area Indian Health Board $445,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare centers
EPA News Release: EPA awards Portland Area Indian Health Board $445,000 to test for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare centers
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U.S. EPA fines The Gas Company over Clean Air Act violations in Kapolei
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA fines The Gas Company over Clean Air Act violations in Kapolei
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County of Hawaii Fined for Violating U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Order
EPA News Release: County of Hawaii Fined for Violating U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Order
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EPA to help schools in Oregon and Washington become Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
Schools will receive technical assistance to create cleaner air and neighborhood cooling refuges in vulnerable communities impacted by wildfire smoke and extreme heat events
EPA News Release: EPA to help schools in Oregon and Washington become Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
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EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
Lead paint safety training for contractors, community education workshops offered this fall
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
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EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
Waste Management, Inc., agrees to pay $104k penalty and make immediate improvements
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
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EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
Owens-Brockway Glass failed to report chromium used in glassmaking
EPA News Release: EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
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EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
Settlement resolves claims stemming from 2016 UPRR train derailment, spill, and fire
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
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U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
2017 chemical release resulted in evacuation of nearby business community
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Hawaiian Ice for chemical safety violations
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EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
EPA: Soil, Water, and Columbia River bottom near Army Corps facility are contaminated with PCBs, PAHs, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
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EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
Research will Look at Health, Environmental Impacts in Hawaii, Pacific Islands
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
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Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
Idaho & Oregon storage facilities cited for storage problems
EPA News Release: Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
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EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
EPA News Release: EPA files complaint against local landowner for damages to wetlands in Hauula, Hawaii
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