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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
EPA: Funds will be used to assess, plan cleanups to rejuvenate formerly contaminated properties
EPA News Release: Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
- Release Date:
EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
Companies will pay $36,300 penalty for renovation violations
EPA News Release: EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
- Release Date:
Idaho, Oregon, Washington and partners to receive nearly $1 Million in EPA Pollution Prevention Grants
EPA News Release: Idaho, Oregon, Washington and partners to receive nearly $1 Million in EPA Pollution Prevention Grants
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW
Actions finalized in May and June 2020
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska Actions finalized in January and February 2020
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska Actions finalized in January and February 2020
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
Actions finalized in November and December 2019
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
Actions finalized in September and October 2019
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
Actions finalized in July and August
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
- Release Date: