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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
EPA Finalizes $585,000 Settlement with Lakeshore Railcar & Tanker Services in East Chicago, Indiana, for Alleged Violations of the Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes $585,000 Settlement with Lakeshore Railcar & Tanker Services in East Chicago, Indiana, for Alleged Violations of the Clean Water Act
- Release Date:
EPA Oversees Last Phase of Soil Cleanup in the Residential Area of the USS Lead Superfund Site in East Chicago, Indiana
EPA News Release: EPA Oversees Last Phase of Soil Cleanup in the Residential Area of the USS Lead Superfund Site in East Chicago, Indiana
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $30 Million for Projects in Underserved Communities That Promote a Healthy and Resilient Gulf of Mexico
The new EPA Healthy & Resilient Gulf of Mexico Grant program was made possible by the President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda and will advance environmental justice in underserved communities across the watershed
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $30 Million for Projects in Underserved Communities That Promote a Healthy and Resilient Gulf of Mexico
- Release Date: