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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
EPA Region 7 Awards $400K Check to Denison, Iowa, for Brownfields Grant
Funding will target assessment and reuse plans for Denison Municipal Utility Power Plant and Avenue C sites
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Awards $400K Check to Denison, Iowa, for Brownfields Grant
- Release Date:
La Región 7 de la EPA entrega un cheque de $400K a Denison, Iowa, para una subvención de Brownfields
Los fondos se destinarán a la evaluación y los planes de reutilización para la Planta de Energía de Servicios Públicos Municipales de Denison y los sitios de Avenue C
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA entrega un cheque de $400K a Denison, Iowa, para una subvención de Brownfields
- Release Date:
EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
- Release Date:
EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
K-State, MSU, Missouri S&T, UNL, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources selected for grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
- Release Date:
EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Include Highway 3 PCE Site in Le Mars, Iowa
Agency will work to remediate site of PCE that originated from historic dry-cleaning services
EPA News Release: EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Include Highway 3 PCE Site in Le Mars, Iowa
- Release Date:
EPA Registers Long-Term Uses of Sulfoxaflor While Ensuring Strong Pollinator Protection Across the Midwest
Registration provides benefits to growers and is supported by strong science that shows minimal risks for pollinators
EPA News Release: EPA Registers Long-Term Uses of Sulfoxaflor While Ensuring Strong Pollinator Protection Across the Midwest
- Release Date: