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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
EPA Region 7 Completes Oversight of Removal Activities at C6-Zero Site in Marengo, Iowa
Explosion and fire at the site in December 2022 started a multi-agency, multi-year investigation and cleanup
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Completes Oversight of Removal Activities at C6-Zero Site in Marengo, Iowa
- Release Date:
Iowa Waste Reduction Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Receives EPA Region 7 Pollution Prevention Award
EPA News Release: Iowa Waste Reduction Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Receives EPA Region 7 Pollution Prevention Award
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Partners with University of Kansas Health System to Promote Safer Management of Bed Bugs and Other Pests at Health Care Facilities
Sept. 21 webinar will highlight new Integrated Pest Management Toolkit
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Partners with University of Kansas Health System to Promote Safer Management of Bed Bugs and Other Pests at Health Care Facilities
- Release Date: