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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
EPA Region 7 to Host Community Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, for Lot 46 Valley Gardens TCE Superfund Site
Community members are invited to learn more about the site, the proposal to the National Priorities List, and EPA’s cleanup plans
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 to Host Community Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, for Lot 46 Valley Gardens TCE Superfund Site
- Release Date:
EPA Announces Availability of $4.6B in Competitive Grants to Cut Climate Pollution as Part of President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
Announcement comes during Climate Week 2023
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of $4.6B in Competitive Grants to Cut Climate Pollution as Part of President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration Invests Over $4.5M in Iowa Recycling Infrastructure Projects Through Investing in America Agenda
EPA grants funded in part by largest recycling investment in 30 years under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Invests Over $4.5M in Iowa Recycling Infrastructure Projects Through Investing in America Agenda
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Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference Registration Now Open
EPA Region 7, Iowa State University, and the University of Iowa will host the conference Nov. 6-8 in Ames, Iowa
EPA News Release: Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference Registration Now Open
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EPA Superfund Program Proposes Four Sites to National Priorities List, Including Lot 46 Valley Gardens TCE in Des Moines
Community members are encouraged to attend an upcoming Community Meeting to learn more about the site and EPA’s proposed cleanup activities
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund Program Proposes Four Sites to National Priorities List, Including Lot 46 Valley Gardens TCE in Des Moines
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EPA Region 7 to Cohost Regional Lead Summit Sept. 12-13 in Kansas City, Missouri
The summit will focus on strategies to address childhood lead exposure
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 to Cohost Regional Lead Summit Sept. 12-13 in Kansas City, Missouri
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EPA Region 7 Awards $400K Check to Denison, Iowa, for Brownfields Grant
Funding will target assessment and reuse plans for Denison Municipal Utility Power Plant and Avenue C sites
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Awards $400K Check to Denison, Iowa, for Brownfields Grant
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La Región 7 de la EPA entrega un cheque de $400K a Denison, Iowa, para una subvención de Brownfields
Los fondos se destinarán a la evaluación y los planes de reutilización para la Planta de Energía de Servicios Públicos Municipales de Denison y los sitios de Avenue C
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA entrega un cheque de $400K a Denison, Iowa, para una subvención de Brownfields
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EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Des Moines-Based Hy-Vee as GreenChill Program Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Smart Refrigerant Management Across Supermarket Industry
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EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
K-State, MSU, Missouri S&T, UNL, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources selected for grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Five Recipients for Pollution Prevention Grants in Region 7 Funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Include Highway 3 PCE Site in Le Mars, Iowa
Agency will work to remediate site of PCE that originated from historic dry-cleaning services
EPA News Release: EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Include Highway 3 PCE Site in Le Mars, Iowa
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