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Displaying 1 - 15 of 16 results
EPA proposes adding JH Baxter site in West Eugene to Superfund cleanup list
EPA News Release: EPA proposes adding JH Baxter site in West Eugene to Superfund cleanup list
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EPA begins cleanup work at JH Baxter facility in Eugene, Oregon
EPA will begin cleanup, also known as a time-critical removal action, at the J.H. Baxter facility in West Eugene, Oregon.
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EPA Announces $9M in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Oregon
Funded by $1.5 billion investment into Brownfields sites from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to address legacy pollution, advance environmental justice, and create healthier communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $9M in Brownfield Grants Through Investing in America Agenda to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Oregon
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EPA signs agreement for cleanup of the Bradford Island National Priorities List site
EPA News Release: EPA signs agreement for cleanup of the Bradford Island National Priorities List site
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EPA announces additional $11.5M for Superfund site in Oregon
EPA News Release: EPA announces additional $11.5M for Superfund site in Oregon
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EPA and DEQ Invite Eugene Community to Attend July 12 Public Meeting to Discuss JH Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation
EPA News Release: EPA and DEQ Invite Eugene Community to Attend July 12 Public Meeting to Discuss JH Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation
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EPA selects Baker Technical Institute in Oregon for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects Baker Technical Institute in Oregon for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
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Bear Creek Sediments Site in Baltimore Added to Superfund Cleanup List
Bear Creek’s addition to EPA’s National Priorities List elevates clean-up plans
EPA News Release: Bear Creek Sediments Site in Baltimore Added to Superfund Cleanup List
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EPA Adds Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
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EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
EPA: Soil, Water, and Columbia River bottom near Army Corps facility are contaminated with PCBs, PAHs, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
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EPA Proposes Adding Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund List
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Adding Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund List
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EPA Announces the Selection of Maryland Communities to Receive $600,000 in Brownfields Assessment Funding
Will help underserved communities in Baltimore County and Frederick ‘Build Back Better’ and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of Maryland Communities to Receive $600,000 in Brownfields Assessment Funding
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EPA reaches major cleanup agreement for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, 100 percent of site now in active engineering design phase
Settlement with businesses, federal, state, and local agencies for remedial design of the Swan Island Basin area brings the last and largest area into active cleanup work
EPA News Release: EPA reaches major cleanup agreement for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, 100 percent of site now in active engineering design phase
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EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
Five Oregon grants ($2.65 million) are part of nationwide $65.6 million Brownfields funding rollout
EPA News Release: EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
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Portland Harbor Superfund Site Update on Signed Agreements for Remedial Design
Eight new agreements for remedial design have now been signed
EPA News Release: Portland Harbor Superfund Site Update on Signed Agreements for Remedial Design
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