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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA Awards East Tennessee Development District $600,000 a Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Awards East Tennessee Development District $600,000 a Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant
- Release Date:
EPA Selects Three Projects in Tennessee to Receive $1.5 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
The grant awards help underserved communities across the country Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Three Projects in Tennessee to Receive $1.5 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
- Release Date:
City of Missoula, Montana to receive $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
EPA Brownfields grant will be used to assess and develop cleanup plans at former industrial sites and a gravel mine
EPA News Release: City of Missoula, Montana to receive $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
- Release Date:
Libby, Montana School District 4 to receive $388,000 for cleanup of Asa Wood Elementary School building
EPA Brownfields grant will be used to clean up the former school for reuse as an assisted living center for seniors
EPA News Release: Libby, Montana School District 4 to receive $388,000 for cleanup of Asa Wood Elementary School building
- Release Date:
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe to receive $300,000 for cleanup and renovation of former sawmills and automotive businesses on the Flathead Reservation
EPA Brownfields grant will be used to assess contamination and develop cleanup plans for properties in Hot Springs, Polson, Pablo and Ravalli
EPA News Release: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe to receive $300,000 for cleanup and renovation of former sawmills and automotive businesses on the Flathead Reservation
- Release Date: