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Displaying 1 - 15 of 26 results
EPA resolves Arrow Pipeline air pollution violations in North Dakota
Company to pay $450K penalty
EPA News Release: EPA resolves Arrow Pipeline air pollution violations in North Dakota
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EPA Settles with Nevada Company over Hazardous Waste and PCB Issues at Landfill
EPA News Release: EPA Settles with Nevada Company over Hazardous Waste and PCB Issues at Landfill
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EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
Settlement includes largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and will result in over 2.3M tons worth of pollution reduction
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
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EPA Enforcement Actions at Facilities in Arizona, California and Nevada Address Chemical Safety Deficiencies
One settlement in Northern California will enhance local emergency response capabilities
EPA News Release: EPA Enforcement Actions at Facilities in Arizona, California and Nevada Address Chemical Safety Deficiencies
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EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
Updated 10-year report shows decreases in chemical releases nationally and regionally
EPA News Release: EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
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Nevada-Based Thatcher Agrees to Pay Penalty, Undertake Project for Fire Department to Settle Claims of Chemical Safety Violations
Under the settlement, owner of Sparks facility will pay a penalty, purchase equipment for fire department
EPA News Release: Nevada-Based Thatcher Agrees to Pay Penalty, Undertake Project for Fire Department to Settle Claims of Chemical Safety Violations
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Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
Agreement protects public health, safety, and the environment by requiring action to make future spills less likely
EPA News Release: Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
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Settlements with three natural gas processors to reduce air pollution in Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming, the Southern Ute Reservation, and the Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Clean Air Act settlements for facilities operated by Williams Companies, Inc., MPLX LP, and WES DJ Gathering LLC will reduce ozone-forming pollutants and greenhouse gases in EPA Region 8 communities
EPA News Release: Settlements with three natural gas processors to reduce air pollution in Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming, the Southern Ute Reservation, and the Uintah and Ouray Reservation
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Funding for Cleanup in Nevada
EPA announces start of new cleanup projects at 22 Superfund sites, along with support for 100 other ongoing cleanups, thanks to President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Funding for Cleanup in Nevada
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EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
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EPA fines Autosales, Inc., which has location in Reno, for selling defeat devices, harming air quality
EPA News Release: EPA fines Autosales, Inc., which has location in Reno, for selling defeat devices, harming air quality
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EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
EPA News Release: EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
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EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
Online games provide teachers and students with environmental learning resources
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
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Clark County Completes Laughlin Lagoon Wetland Conservation Measures, Protecting Colorado River
EPA News Release: Clark County Completes Laughlin Lagoon Wetland Conservation Measures, Protecting Colorado River
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North Dakota Pipeline Company to Pay $35 Million in Criminal Fines and Civil Penalties for Largest-Ever Inland Spill of Produced Water from Oil Drilling
Pipeline Rupture Caused 29 Million Gallon Spill Over 143 Days Before Discovery
EPA News Release: North Dakota Pipeline Company to Pay $35 Million in Criminal Fines and Civil Penalties for Largest-Ever Inland Spill of Produced Water from Oil Drilling
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