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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $552,000 for Nevada to Reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare Facilities Through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $552,000 for Nevada to Reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare Facilities Through Investing in America Agenda
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA awards nearly $500,000 to reduce diesel emissions in Nevada
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards nearly $500,000 to reduce diesel emissions in Nevada
- Release Date:
EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
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EPA Launches Agriculture Smart Sectors Program to Achieve Better Environmental Outcomes
EPA News Release: EPA Launches Agriculture Smart Sectors Program to Achieve Better Environmental Outcomes
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