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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
Biden-Harris Administration announces $42,956,000 for New Mexico to Upgrade Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Unprecedented funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is transforming communities across the state
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $42,956,000 for New Mexico to Upgrade Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration expands EPA program to bring wastewater sanitation services to 150 more underserved communities across Rural America, including the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration expands EPA program to bring wastewater sanitation services to 150 more underserved communities across Rural America, including the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona
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Apache Corporation to pay $4 million and reduce unlawful air pollution from oil and gas wells in New Mexico and Texas, eliminating more than 10,000 tons of harmful air pollutants annually
Company will also spend $5.5 million for preventive measures and to help address environmental harm caused by its violations
EPA News Release: Apache Corporation to pay $4 million and reduce unlawful air pollution from oil and gas wells in New Mexico and Texas, eliminating more than 10,000 tons of harmful air pollutants annually
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EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Nambe for Environmental Programs
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Nambe for Environmental Programs
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EPA Announces Five-Star Urban Waters Grants to Projects in New Mexico & Texas
With support from EPA, community-led projects will restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Five-Star Urban Waters Grants to Projects in New Mexico & Texas
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Pueblo of Laguna receives $118,000 to develop environmental programs
EPA News Release: Pueblo of Laguna receives $118,000 to develop environmental programs
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EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Pojoaque for Environmental Programs
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Pojoaque for Environmental Programs
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EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Santa Clara to Protect the Environment
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $115,000 to Pueblo of Santa Clara to Protect the Environment
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EPA awards Clawson Excavating Inc. a $646,383 contract for work in Cove, Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA awards Clawson Excavating Inc. a $646,383 contract for work in Cove, Arizona
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Call for Applications: Trump Administration to Support Community Revitalization, Local Food Initiatives
EPA News Release: Call for Applications: Trump Administration to Support Community Revitalization, Local Food Initiatives
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EPA Appoints Ken McQueen as Region 6 Administrator
EPA News Release: EPA Appoints Ken McQueen as Region 6 Administrator
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