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Displaying 136 - 150 of 179 results
EPA Announces Removal of Lower Menominee River from List of Great Lakes Areas of Concern
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Removal of Lower Menominee River from List of Great Lakes Areas of Concern
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EPA Highlights Recovery of Great Lakes Piping Plover
Endangered shorebird recovering thanks to GLRI support and partnerships
EPA News Release: EPA Highlights Recovery of Great Lakes Piping Plover
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EPA Requests Applications for $6 Million Grant to Monitor Contaminants in Great Lakes Fish
EPA News Release: EPA Requests Applications for $6 Million Grant to Monitor Contaminants in Great Lakes Fish
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EPA Announces Over $12 Million in Grants to Improve Great Lakes Fisheries and Michigan Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $12 Million in Grants to Improve Great Lakes Fisheries and Michigan Water Quality
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Drinking water protection projects in Oregon and Washington get $400,000 boost from federal and state drinking water partnership grants
Drinking Water Providers Partnership grants benefit clean water, people, salmon and trout
EPA News Release: Drinking water protection projects in Oregon and Washington get $400,000 boost from federal and state drinking water partnership grants
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Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
Actions finalized in March and April 2020
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
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EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
Five Oregon grants ($2.65 million) are part of nationwide $65.6 million Brownfields funding rollout
EPA News Release: EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
- Release Date:
EPA’s Northwest regional Food Recovery Challenge winners both Oregon-based this year
Newport Avenue Market in Bend and University of Oregon Dining Facilities – Eugene, earn local honors for outsized efforts in preventing food waste
EPA News Release: EPA’s Northwest regional Food Recovery Challenge winners both Oregon-based this year
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EPA at 50: Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
EPA News Release: EPA at 50: Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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EPA announces $2.9 million Great Lakes project to clean up contaminated sediment in Detroit River, enabling expansion of city’s Riverwalk
EPA News Release: EPA announces $2.9 million Great Lakes project to clean up contaminated sediment in Detroit River, enabling expansion of city’s Riverwalk
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EPA awards over $9 million in GLRI funding for projects to reduce excess nutrients in the Great Lakes
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $9 million in GLRI funding for projects to reduce excess nutrients in the Great Lakes
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EPA awards $6.4 million to Great Lakes Fishery Commission for projects to restore and manage fish species
EPA News Release: EPA awards $6.4 million to Great Lakes Fishery Commission for projects to restore and manage fish species
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U.S. settles with Oregon landowner over federal Clean Water Act violations near the banks of the North Santiam River
EPA News Release: U.S. settles with Oregon landowner over federal Clean Water Act violations near the banks of the North Santiam River
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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative receives $20 million in additional funding
EPA proposes allocations of FY 2020 funding increase
EPA News Release: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative receives $20 million in additional funding
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Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
Actions finalized in November and December 2019
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the PNW & Alaska
- Release Date: