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Displaying 76 - 90 of 176 results
EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
EPA: Soil, Water, and Columbia River bottom near Army Corps facility are contaminated with PCBs, PAHs, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $297,000 for West Virginia to improve drinking water for underserved, disadvantaged communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $297,000 for West Virginia to improve drinking water for underserved, disadvantaged communities
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Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
Idaho & Oregon storage facilities cited for storage problems
EPA News Release: Simplot pays $65K EPA penalty for pesticides violations
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EPA orders Clarksburg to identify homes, businesses with lead service lines
EPA News Release: EPA orders Clarksburg to identify homes, businesses with lead service lines
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DHHR, EPA Partnering to Assist Clarksburg Water System to Test Older Homes with Lead Service Lines
EPA News Release: DHHR, EPA Partnering to Assist Clarksburg Water System to Test Older Homes with Lead Service Lines
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DHHR, EPA Partnering to Assist Clarksburg Water System to Test Older Homes with Lead Service Lines
EPA News Release: DHHR, EPA Partnering to Assist Clarksburg Water System to Test Older Homes with Lead Service Lines
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EPA Names Wheeling, West Virginia, and California-Lexington Park, Maryland, among top 10 Small Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2021
Cities cutting energy costs while increasing efficiency, reducing emissions
EPA News Release: EPA Names Wheeling, West Virginia, and California-Lexington Park, Maryland, among top 10 Small Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2021
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EPA settlement with WVA Manufacturing of Alloy, W.Va., ensures Clean Air Act compliance
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with WVA Manufacturing of Alloy, W.Va., ensures Clean Air Act compliance
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NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Awards $9.6 Million in Grants to Benefit the Bay Watershed
Grants awarded will support clean water, sustainable agriculture and stormwater infrastructure across the Chesapeake Bay watershed
EPA News Release: NFWF’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Awards $9.6 Million in Grants to Benefit the Bay Watershed
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EPA cites Alliant Techsystems Operations for environmental violations at Navy facility in Keyser, W. Va.
EPA News Release: EPA cites Alliant Techsystems Operations for environmental violations at Navy facility in Keyser, W. Va.
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EPA Provides $7.25 Million for ‘Most Effective’ Cleanup Actions in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Agriculture, Environmental Justice Areas Targeted for Funding
EPA News Release: EPA Provides $7.25 Million for ‘Most Effective’ Cleanup Actions in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
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EPA Announces the Selection of West Virginia Communities to Receive Nearly $3 Million in Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Funding
Will help underserved communities ‘Build Back Better’ and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of West Virginia Communities to Receive Nearly $3 Million in Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Funding
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Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, The Baker Technical Institute, South Central Oregon Economic Development District and the City of Chiloquin are selected for $2.3 million in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
Brownfields funds will be used to conduct assessments, cleanup planning, and cleanup to rejuvenate formerly contaminated properties in four Oregon communities
EPA News Release: Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, The Baker Technical Institute, South Central Oregon Economic Development District and the City of Chiloquin are selected for $2.3 million in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
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EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
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Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians receive EPA approval to administer Clean Water Act programs on reservation and trust lands
EPA News Release: Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians receive EPA approval to administer Clean Water Act programs on reservation and trust lands
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