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Displaying 91 - 105 of 306 results
North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
- Release Date:
EPA to Host December 1 Virtual Community Meeting for Allentown Residents
EPA News Release: EPA to Host December 1 Virtual Community Meeting for Allentown Residents
- Release Date:
La EPA organizará una reunión comunitaria virtual del 1 de diciembre para los residentes de Allentown
EPA News Release: La EPA organizará una reunión comunitaria virtual del 1 de diciembre para los residentes de Allentown
- Release Date:
Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Washington to Receive Over $800,000 in EPA Funding
$53 million for 132 local projects nationwide is EPA’s largest ever investment in community air monitoring
EPA News Release: Community Air Pollution Monitoring Projects in Washington to Receive Over $800,000 in EPA Funding
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Washington Schools Receive $2 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleets
EPA News Release: Washington Schools Receive $2 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
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EPA fines 22 home renovators and contractors for lead-based paint safety violations in Idaho and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA fines 22 home renovators and contractors for lead-based paint safety violations in Idaho and Washington
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EPA proposes revisions to Federal Air Rules for Reservations, seeks public comment
EPA News Release: EPA proposes revisions to Federal Air Rules for Reservations, seeks public comment
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EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
EPA News Release: EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
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EPA penalizes DDM Imports $41k for importing tampered truck
Fourth case against Airway Heights company for importing trucks without required emission controls
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes DDM Imports $41k for importing tampered truck
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EPA announces $67M in funding to Washington for water infrastructure improvements
EPA News Release: EPA announces $67M in funding to Washington for water infrastructure improvements
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EPA cracks down on Pa. company for selling auto parts that avoid pollution controls with $2.5 million penalty
EPA News Release: EPA cracks down on Pa. company for selling auto parts that avoid pollution controls with $2.5 million penalty
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EPA Awards $400,000 Environmental Education Grants to Empower Students, Teachers and Communities in Oregon and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $400,000 Environmental Education Grants to Empower Students, Teachers and Communities in Oregon and Washington
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EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
Up to $6.9 million in Clean Water Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will be awarded to reduce toxics in fish and water, address climate impacts in communities throughout the Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
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EPA Provides $5.5 Million in Infrastructure Funds to Clean up Bucks and Montgomery County Superfund Sites
EPA News Release: EPA Provides $5.5 Million in Infrastructure Funds to Clean up Bucks and Montgomery County Superfund Sites
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Washington Teachers Receive 2022 Presidential Award for Environmental Educators
EPA News Release: Washington Teachers Receive 2022 Presidential Award for Environmental Educators
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