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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA and Justice Department File Complaint Against Norfolk Southern Railway Company for Unlawful Discharge of Pollutants and Hazardous Substances in East Palestine Derailment
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department File Complaint Against Norfolk Southern Railway Company for Unlawful Discharge of Pollutants and Hazardous Substances in East Palestine Derailment
- Release Date:
EPA Requires Norfolk Southern to Sample for Dioxins in East Palestine
EPA will direct immediate cleanup as appropriate if contaminants from the derailment pose any unacceptable risk to human health
EPA News Release: EPA Requires Norfolk Southern to Sample for Dioxins in East Palestine
- Release Date:
EPA Partially Removes Novak Sanitary Landfill Site from National Superfund List
EPA News Release: EPA Partially Removes Novak Sanitary Landfill Site from National Superfund List
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EPA awards grants to support pollutant reduction plan tied to Conowingo reservoir infill
EPA News Release: EPA awards grants to support pollutant reduction plan tied to Conowingo reservoir infill
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ALCOSAN settlement modified with green infrastructure as it improves water quality for Allegheny, Monongahela, Ohio Rivers
EPA News Release: ALCOSAN settlement modified with green infrastructure as it improves water quality for Allegheny, Monongahela, Ohio Rivers
- Release Date:
EPA Supporting Pennsylvania In Implementing Chesapeake Bay Restoration Projects
NFWF to Receive $2.4 Million for Local Projects as Part of Funding Reallocation Plan
EPA News Release: EPA Supporting Pennsylvania In Implementing Chesapeake Bay Restoration Projects
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EPA Applauds the Smart Refrigerant Management by Weis Markets and Supermarkets Across America
EPA News Release: EPA Applauds the Smart Refrigerant Management by Weis Markets and Supermarkets Across America
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EPA Completes Clean Up and Removes Strasburg Landfill Site from National Superfund List
EPA News Release: EPA Completes Clean Up and Removes Strasburg Landfill Site from National Superfund List
- Release Date: