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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA Opens Community Welcome Center in East Palestine for Residents and Business Owners
EPA Community Welcome Center to provide community with ‘one-stop shop’ for information about the ongoing response to the train derailment; EPA deploys TAGA mobile lab to conduct real-time air-monitoring during waste removal
EPA News Release: EPA Opens Community Welcome Center in East Palestine for Residents and Business Owners
- Release Date:
EPA Orders Norfolk Southern to Conduct All Cleanup Actions Associated with the East Palestine Train Derailment
EPA order comes as state-led emergency response transitions to environmental cleanup phase; EPA will continue to work with local, state, and federal partners to ensure the health and safety of East Palestine community
EPA News Release: EPA Orders Norfolk Southern to Conduct All Cleanup Actions Associated with the East Palestine Train Derailment
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EPA Mid-Atlantic Region schedules March 2 virtual listening session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA News Release: EPA Mid-Atlantic Region schedules March 2 virtual listening session on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
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Statement from Regional Administrator Debra Shore on the East Palestine Train Derailment
EPA News Release: Statement from Regional Administrator Debra Shore on the East Palestine Train Derailment
- Release Date:
Capital Region Water agrees to make upgrades to wastewater treatment for Harrisburg area
EPA News Release: Capital Region Water agrees to make upgrades to wastewater treatment for Harrisburg area
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