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Displaying 181 - 195 of 406 results
La EPA celebrará una reunión comunitaria en Laredo, Texas, sobre los riesgos para la salud de las emisiones de óxido de etileno
La EPA está contactando a las comunidades que enfrentan los mayores riesgos de ciertas instalaciones de esterilización comercial; gobiernos estatales, territoriales y locales; otros interesados;
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EPA to Hold Community Meeting in Laredo, Texas, on Health Risks from Ethylene Oxide Emissions
EPA is reaching out to communities facing the highest risks from certain commercial sterilizer facilities.
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EPA Announces Dallas Student Wins President’s Environmental Youth Award
EPA Announces Student Winner of the President Environmental Youth Award
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EPA Region 6 Announces Showcase of Emission Free School Buses for North Texas School Districts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 6 Announces Showcase of Emission Free School Buses for North Texas School Districts
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EPA Announces Flyovers in the Permian Basin in New Mexico and Texas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting helicopter flyovers of the Permian Basin region in New Mexico and Texas.
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EPA New England to Invest up to $24 Million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Help Protect and Restore its Six Estuaries of National Significance
EPA releases guidance on how the agency will administer the program
EPA News Release: EPA New England to Invest up to $24 Million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Help Protect and Restore its Six Estuaries of National Significance
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EPA Announces $55 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure in Providence, Rhode Island, and Protect Narragansett Bay
Nationally, 89 WIFIA loans are financing nearly $33 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 100,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $55 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure in Providence, Rhode Island, and Protect Narragansett Bay
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Pawtucket Property Owner Pays Fine for Alleged Lead-Paint Violations During Renovation Work
EPA News Release: Pawtucket Property Owner Pays Fine for Alleged Lead-Paint Violations During Renovation Work
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EPA Settlement Resolves Alleged Hazardous Waste Management Violations by E. Greenwich, R.I. Battery Manufacturer
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Resolves Alleged Hazardous Waste Management Violations by E. Greenwich, R.I. Battery Manufacturer
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EPA New England Announces 2022 President's Environmental Youth Awards Winners in Westford, Mass. and Portsmouth, R.I.
EPA News Release: EPA New England Announces 2022 President's Environmental Youth Awards Winners in Westford, Mass. and Portsmouth, R.I.
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EPA and Rhode Island Officials Celebrate EPA's $3.15 Million Brownfields Ocean State Investment
EPA Deputy Administrator Joins Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse and Rep. Cicilline in Woonsocket
EPA News Release: EPA and Rhode Island Officials Celebrate EPA's $3.15 Million Brownfields Ocean State Investment
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EPA Announces $500 Million for Clean School Buses for New England School Districts
President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children's Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500 Million for Clean School Buses for New England School Districts
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EPA Announces Record $3.15 Million Brownfields Investment in Rhode Island
President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help revitalize New England communities, Build a Better America and Address Environmental Justice Concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Record $3.15 Million Brownfields Investment in Rhode Island
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EPA and DOE Announce DFW Companies Win Energy Star Award
210 organizations leading the way in support of America’s clean energy transition
EPA News Release: EPA and DOE Announce DFW Companies Win Energy Star Award
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EPA and DOE Announce Two Texas School Districts as the Winners of the 2022 ENERGY STAR Awards
EPA News Release: EPA and DOE Announce Two Texas School Districts as the Winners of the 2022 ENERGY STAR Awards
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