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Displaying 106 - 120 of 406 results
EPA Announces Partnership with Paul Quinn College Through MOU Signing
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Paul Quinn College (PQC) located in Dallas, Texas, have agreed to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
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EPA New England Awards $4M to State of Rhode Island and the Providence Metropolitan Area for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
Rhode Island will receive $3 million and the Providence metropolitan area will receive $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA New England Awards $4M to State of Rhode Island and the Providence Metropolitan Area for Comprehensive, Economy-wide Climate Mitigation Planning
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EPA to award Rhode Island $228,000 to support water quality monitoring at beaches
Funding is part of nationwide program to protect public health
EPA News Release: EPA to award Rhode Island $228,000 to support water quality monitoring at beaches
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"Blue Carbon Reservoirs from Maine to Long Island NY" Report is now available
EPA News Release: "Blue Carbon Reservoirs from Maine to Long Island NY" Report is now available
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EPA Awards $25,000 to Rice University for Research on PFAS Waste in Landfills
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $25,000 to Rice University to fund their research on treating PFAS (per- and polyfluoralkyl) waste in landfills as part of the Agency’s People, Prosperity, and the Planet.
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EPA Awards $24,000 to University of Texas at Dallas for Air Quality Sensor Project
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $24,999 for the University of Texas at Dallas for their work to develop low-cost air quality sensors for environmental justice communities as part of the Agency’s People, Prosperity, and the Planet.
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$10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
EPA seeks applicants to provide environmental justice technical assistance for organizations and communities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
EPA News Release: $10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
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Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
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U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
EPA News Release: U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
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EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
EPA News Release: EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
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EPA and Lawmakers Celebrate $500K Cleanup Grant for Polluted Brownfields Site in Rhode Island
Grant is part of historic largest national investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA and Lawmakers Celebrate $500K Cleanup Grant for Polluted Brownfields Site in Rhode Island
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EPA Advises Facility Operators to Prepare for Hazardous Weather Events
As the hurricane season kicks off, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reminds facility operators of preventing, minimizing, and reporting chemical releases during hazardous weather events.
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EPA Announces $1.3 Million Settlement for Permian Basin Company
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) to Callon Permian LLC for emissions from tanks, flares, and other equipment that EPA identified using a helicopter equipped with a special infrared camera.
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Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
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EPA Announces Nearly $500,000 in Grant Funding for High-Risk Houston Communities
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that the Houston Health Department will receive grant funding to support community monitoring of hazardous air pollutants.
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