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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
$10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
EPA seeks applicants to provide environmental justice technical assistance for organizations and communities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
EPA News Release: $10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
- Release Date:
Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
- Release Date:
U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
EPA News Release: U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
- Release Date:
EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
EPA News Release: EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
- Release Date:
EPA and Lawmakers Celebrate $500K Cleanup Grant for Polluted Brownfields Site in Rhode Island
Grant is part of historic largest national investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA and Lawmakers Celebrate $500K Cleanup Grant for Polluted Brownfields Site in Rhode Island
- Release Date:
Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, on July 12, 2023
- Release Date:
$10 Million Grant Opportunity to Enhance Environmental Justice in New England Communities
Grant opportunity for providing technical assistance for organizations and communities in the states of CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT, and 10 Tribes
EPA News Release: $10 Million Grant Opportunity to Enhance Environmental Justice in New England Communities
- Release Date:
EPA Completes Reviews of 3 Superfund Site Cleanups in Rhode Island during FY 2020
EPA News Release: EPA Completes Reviews of 3 Superfund Site Cleanups in Rhode Island during FY 2020
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