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Displaying 1 - 15 of 25 results
Rosebud Sioux Tribe selected to receive $7,879,394 for new electric vehicles and charging stations
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, Tribe among 34 Tribal and territory applications selected to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: Rosebud Sioux Tribe selected to receive $7,879,394 for new electric vehicles and charging stations
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Grants to Invest in America’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Transition
EPA announces new grant program to fund zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, infrastructure, and workforce development to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Grants to Invest in America’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Transition
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VIEO to Receive Over $62 Million from EPA to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across the U.S. Virgin Islands
EPA announces selectees for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: VIEO to Receive Over $62 Million from EPA to Provide Solar Power, Lower Energy Costs and Advance Environmental Justice Across the U.S. Virgin Islands
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Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Violations result in Fines for Several Businesses in New Jersey and New York
EPA News Release: Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Violations result in Fines for Several Businesses in New Jersey and New York
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La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
Colorado, Montana, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Utah y Wyoming entre los estados de mayor riesgo de cáncer de pulmón por gas radón
EPA News Release: La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
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EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming among highest-risk states for lung cancer from radon gas
EPA News Release: EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
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EPA Announces Requirement of New Clean Air Permit for Oil Refinery on St. Croix Before Operation, Ensuring Public Health Protections
Requirement of new Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit advances EPA commitment to ensuring equal protection under the law for all communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Requirement of New Clean Air Permit for Oil Refinery on St. Croix Before Operation, Ensuring Public Health Protections
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $406,482 for community air pollution monitoring project on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota
Largest investment for community air monitoring in EPA history funded by President Biden’s Climate and Economic Plans
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $406,482 for community air pollution monitoring project on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $3,600,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for South Dakota School Districts
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $3,600,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for South Dakota School Districts
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EPA Regional Administrator Lisa F. Garcia Urges Eligible School Districts in EPA Region 2 to Apply for $500 Million In Available Funding for Clean School Buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children’s Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Lisa F. Garcia Urges Eligible School Districts in EPA Region 2 to Apply for $500 Million In Available Funding for Clean School Buses
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EPA Seeks More Information from New Owners of Refinery on St. Croix to Determine Possible Permitting Requirements
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks More Information from New Owners of Refinery on St. Croix to Determine Possible Permitting Requirements
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EPA recognizes Colorado, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming manufacturing plants among most energy-efficient of 2021
Seven plants among 93 nationwide receive ENERGY STAR certification
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes Colorado, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming manufacturing plants among most energy-efficient of 2021
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EPA and Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority Agree on the Implementation of Corrective Measures Related to the Anguilla Wastewater Treatment Plant on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
EPA News Release: EPA and Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority Agree on the Implementation of Corrective Measures Related to the Anguilla Wastewater Treatment Plant on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
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EPA Continues to Protect Community by Requiring Additional Monitoring of Emissions from Limetree Bay Refinery on St. Croix
EPA News Release: EPA Continues to Protect Community by Requiring Additional Monitoring of Emissions from Limetree Bay Refinery on St. Croix
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EPA Uses Emergency Powers to Protect St. Croix Communities and Orders Limetree Bay Refinery to Pause Operations
EPA News Release: EPA Uses Emergency Powers to Protect St. Croix Communities and Orders Limetree Bay Refinery to Pause Operations
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